My name is Alessandra, I am 27 years old and I am originally from Versilia, exactly that beautiful seaside place on the Tuscan coast. I moved to Miami where I lived for two continuous years mainly for study purposes. I graduated from NSU in Fort Lauderdale in Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Management), but also work.

Why Miami and not another city? Maybe NY or Boston or Chicago? As I have already written I come from a seaside town and I can say that the water è my 'natural element'. How could I live without the sea, without the breeze, the salt, the sand? Maybe I could but I am convinced that I would suffer. So given the choice, I chose a place that he had all these componothing. 

Miami it was the place I chose and I really love this city very much! Furthermore, I do not hide that the fact di be able to go to the beach all theyear è been a another plus in my choice.

Now I work mainly in Italy. However, I am always connected with Miami and I am there very often throughout the year, both to update and make contacts, but also for business purposes.

The idea of ​​the Blog

When we had the idea with my partner Christina to start a blog of our own, we needed to pass on to our compatriots experiences as well as ideas about Miami. Everyone has always told us that Miami is just the city of the sea. And some fun. But that's not exactly the case. For those who live there and those who live there, Miami sees it with different eyes. This is what we want to convey in every article, photo and content of our site.

Over time, the website has become a real community of Italians residing in Miami, or simply interested in the city for reasons of vacation, work, investment and much more. Our community is expanding every day and we would like to say that any fellow countryman interested in Miami or Florida is welcome. We will be happy to explain what Miami and life in Florida is like through the eyes of those who live there.

Alessandra tells us about the life of Italians in Miami last edit: 2017-03-10T12:21:16+01:00 da Alessandra Castelli

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