Strawberry jam

Strube Efrat

Strube Efrat

Today we make a jam, let's say ... a little bit particular, with a Mediterranean taste enriched with an Asian note. To actually make this jam, I was inspired by the magnificent jams of Antonella Audino's husband "agrisicilia" who creates exceptional and innovative combinations. I still had some Chinese tangerines on my little tree, at the organic market I bought some delicious strawberries and so I said to myself: why not try it, I must say that an exceptional jam has come out both for the consistency and for the combination that I did ... I don't want to go too far, let's see together how to prepare it ...

Strawberry jam

Time of realization: 1 hours
Degree of difficulty (1 to 5): 2

600 g of strawberries
400 g of kumquat
550/600 g of sugar
Juice of one lemon
15g fresh turmeric or 6g powder

Leave the tangerines to soak in plenty of water for about three hours, taking care to change the water a couple of times. Cut the kumquats in two and remove the stones, clean and cut the turmeric into small pieces and add it to the kumquats. With the help of a blender or a knife coarsely chop the fruits, put them in a large pot with the juice of half a lemon, half the sugar and cook for 4-5 minutes or until the first boil. Transfer the mixture to a glass bowl, cover well and refrigerate for 12 hours. Wash and cut the strawberries into pieces, pour the juice of half a lemon, add the remaining sugar, mix everything and cook for 4-5 min. Transfer the mixture to a glass bowl, cover well and refrigerate for 12 hours.
Sterilize about 5 250ml jars.
After the resting time, pour both compounds into a large saucepan, with edges 7-8 cm high, preferably copper, and cook over high heat, for about 10-15 minutes or until it begins to thicken (do try it with the plate, pouring a little jam on the plate, if it drips slowly turn off). When it has reached the desired consistency, cover and let it cool. Pour the jam, close tightly and place the jars in a large pot, fill with cold water, after 20 minutes from boiling turn off and let the jars cool upside down in order to create the vacuum.

Strawberry jam

delicious spread on white or turmeric bread like I did, but it's just as great for a mouth-watering breakfast, spread with a thin layer of butter on chocolate bread.

Strawberry jam last edit: 2017-10-03T09:30:43+02:00 da Marco Spetti
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