Why did I leave?

My name is Giordano Dalla Bernardina and I have lived in Australia since 2011. I spent the first two years in Sydney and in 2013 I moved to Perth. In Western Australia where I still live.
The decision to leave was made after a series of assessments that included various aspects. The dissatisfaction of an Italy country that does not work (at least according to my criteria). The desire to see a little bit of the world before it was too late. The desire to learn English while living abroad and wanting to test myself by living in a completely different country, starting from scratch, with no one known around, to see what I could do.

A bit of history

In 2005 I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology in Padua and in 2007 I began my career in Human Resources. First in an employment agency and later in a software house in Padua, where I also dedicate myself to ISO Quality.
In 2008 I decided to enroll in the Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology in Bologna.
In 2009, during a slow August spent in a semi-deserted office, by chance I see an advertising banner about living and studying in Australia.

Thus begins a search for information that will last about a year. With the aim of understanding if it was the right choice and what were the famous pros and cons.
These are hours of office hours from Monday to Friday. Weekends spent on books and exams given one in line to the other to end it all. All accompanied by several mojitos to support the process.
At some point I realize that despite all the information available I could never really understand what it was like to live in Australia if not .... live in Australia.
So I made the decision to drop everything and leave.

In July 2010 I complete the procedure for obtaining the Working Holiday Visa for Australia and I give myself a year in which to finish all the pending things in Italy. In this year I close several work projects, finish the exams and prepare the thesis that I discuss after a lonely night spent reviewing everything in a hotel with two circles (not even stars ...) in Cesena.

It was July 6, 2011.

Over the next five days, I evacuate my den in Padua. I sell three quarters of my properties and temporarily return to Verona.

Five days after the defense of the thesis I am at the Venice airport with the rest of my life in two backpacks, a million ideas, a heart that doesn't want to slow down and a sense of enormous freedom.

On the day of my arrival I started a blog to keep track of my experiences, reflections and misadventures, which you can find at: www.giordanodallabernardina.com.

The second beginning. From Australia the story of Giordano last edit: 2017-02-22T16:25:12+01:00 da Giordano
