The Italian food tradition is further strengthened, as reported by Coldiretti. Its latest projections foresee in fact a 13% increase in exports of the sector compared to last year. A number calculated on the basis of Istat data relating to foreign trade in the first eight months of 2021.

It would therefore mean a economic income of 52 billion euros, a figure never touched before in the history of Italy, which testifies to the role of our country as an international leader in the food sector.

“A result obtained despite the difficulties of trade and the lockdown on all catering continents - said Coldiretti - but also despite the unbearable spread of imitations of our products around the world ".

The Made in Italy of food is the driving force of the economy

Coldiretti's report was presented to the public on the occasion of Tuttofood. This is an event staged from 22 to 26 October at the Milan Fair. The growth of the fame of Made in Italy abroad is due to various factors. Among these, according to the association, even the blue sports victories last summer.

“Italy can restart from its strengths with the agri-food sector that has shown resilience in the face of the crisis e it can play a driving role for the entire economy" said Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti, who took the opportunity to ask politics for reforms that favor further development of the Italian food sector.

In particular, the suggestion was that of "Unlock all infrastructure that would improve the connections between the South and the North of the country, but also with the rest of the world by sea and by high-speed rail, with a network of hubs made up of airports, trains and cargo ”.

A lizard in a faux Italian dish
Some products that make the Made in Italy successful

The tradition of Italian food conquers the world

There is Germany tops the ranking of the main importers of food products from our country. Thanks to an increase in 2021 of 9%, equal to that of France. The latter occupies the third place in the ranking, behind the United States. The fourth place in the United Kingdom is significant, despite the problems linked to Brexit, which have damaged trade with London.

But on the other hand, Italian food has always been successful in the rest of the world. Over the years it has carved out a predominant and highly respected role. Recent entries confirm this of the Mediterranean diet and the Team Building in the list of World Heritage Sites recognized by UNESCO.

At the end of 2020, the prestigious magazine Forbes it also compiled a list of 100 main Italian excellences, dominated by companies operating in the food sector. At the top of the ranking came 1punto61, focused on the area of ​​pasta, but water, honey, caviar, chocolate, beer and wine also found a place in the list.

Italian food, therefore, continues to be an international reference point for taste, quality and health. Features confirmed by Coldiretti herself: “The health emergency has caused a healthy change in consumers globally. The choice of products that are allies of wellbeing like those of the Mediterranean diet ".

Italian food to conquer the world: worth 52 billion last edit: 2021-10-26T12:30:00+02:00 da Claudius Cafarelli
