Songs summer 2021, explosion of sounds, colors and joy. On the same day, three potential hits arrived for the summer that is now upon us. THE Boomdabash return to the scene in the company of Baby K, Gianni Morandi which relies on a text written by Jovanotti e Fedez which gives life to one of the most surprising features that involves Orietta Berti e Achille Lauro.
Boomdabash and Baby K collaborate in "Mohicans"
After the great success of “Karaoke” together with Alessandra Amoroso, i Boomdabash choose Baby K for summer 2021. Together they released the hit "Mohicans“, Reggae / pop song that refers to the Jamaica dancehall, characterized by the unmistakable grit of the Salento group. "Mohicans - explain the Boomdabash - it is a song that first of all intends to give pure joy, happiness, energy and good vibes. Music has the great power to unite people and to give us positive emotions trying to distract us from the thousands of daily difficulties. We strongly believe in the language of music and in its "saving" power, very often it is a song that manages to make us feel good by making us, even if only for a moment, forget many of our problems. "
Fedez, Achille Lauro and Orietta Berti in "Mille"
Surprising and captivating the hit "Mille" by Fedez, Achille Lauro and Orietta Berti. With a direct Instagram at midnight, the three artists presented their song which in a few hours has climbed the ranking of the best-selling singles in Italy. The rapper opens the song, while the chorus is entrusted to the legend of Italian music, who returned to the stage of the Sanremo Festival in the last edition. The baton in the second verse passes to Achille Lauro, increasingly inclined to experimentation and innovative collaborations. Fedez shared the cover of the song on the Instagram profile which has more than twelve million followers who follow his life between music and family every day.
Gianni Morandi's hit is “L'allegria” written by Jovanotti
Published in a few days, "The joy”Marks the comeback of Gianni Morandi after the serious accident in March that forced him to hospital for about a month. For the occasion, the Bolognese singer-songwriter has chosen to rely on Jovanotti. The production is Rick Rubin who continues the collaboration with Lorenzo Cherubini after the album “Oh Vita”. “L'allegria” is an acrobatic rock'n'roll left on a hard disk for a long time. These are the words of Jovanotti: “It was without a definitive form, until the moment I made it listen to none other than Gianni Morandi who, with his interpretation, made it what you will hear. For me it is an immense honor to have written for one of the best ever, a legend for every generation, and a man from whom I learn something every second "
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