The bill, wanted by Minister Valditara, which will now pass to the Chamber, provides for various innovations relating to student behavior.

Here are the words of Minister Valditara

Satisfied with this result, Minister Valditara explains "The approval in the Senate of the conduct evaluation reform represents an important step forward in the construction of a school that empowers children and restores authority to teachers. Unlike those who speak of authoritarian and needlessly punitive measures, I claim the choice to give the right weight to conduct in the students' academic career. I believe that in the case of acts of bullying it is not only useless but also harmful to keep the child away from school, left to do nothing. I am convinced that engaging in social activities is much more constructive, because the student can analyze and understand the reasons for their inappropriate behavior. Being part of a community entails rights and duties, including respect for teachers, one's classmates and public goods. It is also important that those who have attacked school staff compensate the school for the damage to its image that they contributed to creating. To build a truly democratic society, to fight violence, to restore centrality to the founding values ​​of our Constitution, we must start again from school, every day on the front line in the education of our young people".

Let's see in detail the innovations foreseen in the Valditara bill

For admission tofollowing year or at maturity the mark in conduct will be decisive.

It is expected failure for students with a 5 in conduct, while for those with 6 there will be the “examine”, a sort of “debt in conduct”.

The students who attend the grades between first and fourth, during the summer, they will have to carry out a paper on active citizenship assigned by the class council.

Even the final year students with 6 in conduct they will have to carry out the same paper, but will discuss it during the exam.

The bill provides for some new attributions greater weight given to the evaluation of student behavior.

For the entire school year, and not just for the single quarter, for all violent or aggressive behavior sanctions and fines may thus be taken into consideration against teachers, other students and school staff also for those who damage schools.

The new regulations also change suspension system: up to 2 days, the student will be involved in reflection and in-depth activities, which will end with production of a critical essay.

for longer suspensionsinstead, they will be assigned solidarity citizenship activities.

Conduct vote: green light for the bill wanted by Minister Valditara last edit: 2024-04-20T09:36:00+02:00 da laracalogiuri
