Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël. itCaffè more and more international that of which once again has connected several of its collaborators. All correspondents from different parts of the world. “Christmas in the Italian tradition and in the world“, This is the theme of the virtual meeting in which the editors participated Paola Stranges ed Emmanuel Ferlaino, and the editorial director of Luke Meli.
The community manager coordinates the interventions Raffaella Christmas. “We are at the end of a very difficult year - said Paola Stranges - however, despite the difficulties that the pandemic has presented us, our community has grown. In this epochal year, I really hope - underlined the publisher - that has been and continues to be a place, in which to be able to confront with serenity. A community that is becoming more and more a point of reference for cultural exchange and the affirmation of Italianness in the world ".
Merry Christmas in the time of Covid
The itCaffè natalizio started with the intervention of Federica Puglisi (itPalazzoAcreide) which illustrated all the news regarding the anti-Covid provisions. Security measures that will inevitably characterize the 2020 holidays. Restrictions aimed at stemming as much as possible the health emergency due to the pandemic from Coronavirus which has been upsetting the world for almost a year now.
The anti-contagion provisions have consequently also modified the conduct of religious rites but the Catholic Church has shown great availability and attention to the indications and suggestions provided by the national government. The rite has undergone variations, only in the form, to allow the distance between the faithful and therefore not to favor any contagions. However, the substance has remained the same and not even the worries generated by the pandemic can affect or diminish the value and essence of Christmas masses or any other religious function.
Living nativity scenes and Christmas markets, appointment for 2021
The pandemic has upset the programs of events usually organized for the holidays in all countries. Cristina Campolonghi (itVenezia) reminded us of the beauty and magic that Christmas markets express every year by attracting thousands of visitors. The light lockdown to which we are subjected did not allow the setting up of the famous markets which in Veneto and Trentino represent a consolidated tradition for Christmas.
However, in Venice, the markets created inside the Murano furnaces where glass is worked remained exceptionally open. An exception to be discovered! No markets and of course no living nativity scene anywhere on the peninsula. The sacred representation boasts a large crowd of enthusiasts in all Italian regions. But, this year, just no Nativity was able to go on stage due to the known safety measures in force. The lovers of this sacred art had to be satisfied with the small nativity scenes set up in churches or homes. The historic district of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples.
The way of the nativity scenes par excellence, as he told us Mariarosaria Clemente (itCaserta), suffered a bad blow due to the many prohibitions imposed by the lockdown. But San Gregorio Armeno still remains the 'magical way of the Nativity' set up all year round. So as soon as the restrictions are loosened it will always be possible to go and visit the characteristic Neapolitan district with the most evocative representations of the nativity scene. In the Christmas itCaffè could not miss the witch who delighted the community with a hilarious video made by Marco Doati (itAdria). It was a real dive into popular culture represented by the old woman who, in front of a beautiful fireplace, made her greetings strictly in the vernacular.
Merry Christmas, hoping for better times for tourism
The light lockdown of this second pandemic phase has practically blocked travel during the Christmas holidays. Another bad blow that adds to the 'forced stop' experienced during this year's Easter holidays that is ending. Frances Crispino (Greenwood) illustrated the many difficulties tour operators are encountering.
A sector heavily penalized by the pandemic and which really hopes to be able to gradually resume its business as early as next spring. The hope is that we can start again at full capacity next summer. He also spoke of crisis and a great desire to be reborn Vincent Zocco (it Nicolosi) who dreams of the new tourist season for the wonderful Sicilian towns at the foot of Etna.
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël
The correspondents of have created a colorful, intense and lively picture of the main Christmas traditions in the various countries of the world. Mirtha Aldunce (itChile) reiterated what is a custom that unites many peoples. Even in Chile, the custom of preparing many sweets is resisting, together with the distribution of gifts to the families who are most in need. Francesca Chiefari (enBarcelona) explained that in the Catalan city the gifts are not brought by Santa Claus but by the Magi.
Furthermore, tradition has it that they give themselves nougats. A gift that has an entirely Italian origin as it recalls the noble wedding of Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti, which took place in 1441 in Cremona, the city of nougat. Merry Christmas also in London where panettone is in fashion this year. In our virtual journey, thanks to itCaffè, we also went to the British capital where the correspondent Mara Austen Diamonds told us about the latest British fashion. For this Christmas 2020 the passion of the British for Italian panettone has exploded.
That's right! For these holidays, many varieties of panettone are making a fine show of themselves in the windows of London pastry shops. Yet another confirmation that the food made in Italy it is an international excellence. Instead the teacher Angela Zagarella from Portland (Oregon) told us about the 'sweet passion' of Americans for the Italian Pandoro. A much appreciated dessert, more than panettone, which for Italian Americans residing in the States represents the traditional flavor of Christmas.
Serena Mascoli (itParis) has confirmed that there is no shortage of pandoro and panettone in the French capital even if the Christmas cake par excellence in the Ville Lumière is the classic log filled with greedy creams.
Remembering the origins
Silvano Malini (itAsunción) went back in time when as a child in northern Italy he spent family celebrations between lavish lunches that did not end but and a myriad of relatives. Without forgetting the exciting games that were an interesting interlude between one course and another. Amira Judge (itBuenosAires) has returned with the memory to its homeland, Calabria, making the community savor the smells and flavors of the many delicacies that the Calabrian tables offer during the Christmas period. L'itCoffee made us express once again so many feelings that translate into a Buon Natale, sent to all Italians in the world.
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