We usually mean by music that melodic frequency with which our senses interface in a precise time interval, drawing general pleasure from it. But music is above all therapy for the body that is the object of its vibrations. The rhythm, with a strong perceptive grip, often involves us to the point of tending, by inertia, our limbs to mimic their pulsations. A slow melodic mode can also invite relaxation and relaxation of the senses, attenuating the nervous systems, calming the mood. That is, it benefits even the listener's psyche. Likewise, it is able to actively act even on the fetus. Let's see how.
Music during pregnancy: effects and benefits
Inside the womb, the fetus carries out an almost regular active and working life. It acts and perceives within the limits that its small living space allows it during development. While listening to music, the fetus derives multiple benefits according to the stylistic typology of the musical pieces acting on it. By listening, the music acts in an auxiliary way, contributing to the psycho-physical development of the unborn child. Some frequencies protect against anxiety, depression, or insomnia; like this passage, which seems to be able to act positively on anxiety. And the fetus is able to memorize and recognize the sounds that the mother proposes. Recognize? Exactly. Once born, some children are able to recognize a certain musical familiarity in certain pieces, since these were heard during the period of pregnancy.
How important is classical music for the fetus?
Listening to casual music, for the unborn child, can contribute to the development of the same positively. But is there a specific musical current that acts more introspectively? Yes, and scientifically classical music. Classical music, thanks to its ordered and variable frequencies, unconsciously calms the mood of the mother and actively contributes to the brain development of the fetus. The pieces proposed by the various institutes of musicology concern the waltzes of Chopin and Schubert; the works of Debussy and Brahms; also the four seasons of Vivaldi. But the most recommended listening during the period of pregnancy is that of Mozart.
Mozart during pregnancy
It is ascertained by a study conducted by Donald Campbell, who studies the effects of Mozartian music in the period of pregnancy, how Mozart positively influences growth during the stay in the womb. First of all, it is clear that listening to some Mozart music stimulates the development of new neuronal connections thanks to the symmetries and recurrent patterns of which they are composed and which would stimulate both the right and the left hemisphere; thanks to the symmetries and models proposed in the scores, stimulating for both the right and left hemisphere.
Listening to music for the unborn child is recommended in relation to the various periods of pregnancy. In the first period it is advisable to listen to rhythmic pieces that are helpful for the optimal heart rate for both mother and child; precisely, reference can be made to this andante Mozart. For the second, more relaxing period, we recommend listening to adages such as this, which help to maintain a state of calm. Finally, for the last period, more lively songs, such as this.