The City of Ravenna announced the opening of the new Dante Museum for Sunday 16 May. On 11 September 1921 the structure was inaugurated on the occasion of the celebrations of the sixth centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri. After 100 years it returns in a new guise. In a note, the Municipal Administration explained the objective that guided the construction of the new Dante Museum: "Consolidate the enhancement of the cult of Dante with a contemporary and usable staging, which uses new languages ​​to account for the Comedy and Dante's legacy"

Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri, work by the artist Giovanni Guida made on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the Supreme Poet (1321-2021)

The new Dante Museum consisting of nine rooms

The Museum is located a stone's throw from the tomb of the Supreme Poet. Is composed by nine rooms that will welcome visitors: the room of time, that of the face, the Montevideo room, that of worship, that of fame and the three rooms of the Divine Comedy. Through the Museum it will be possible to delve into Dante's imagination with a real sensorial experience to appreciate the poet's historical objects. Designed at the time by the architect Ambrose Annoni (then Superintendent of Ravenna) and from Conrad Ricci, a cultured Dante scholar and founder of the Ravenna Superintendency, the Dante Museum is part of a complex operation of enhancement and innovation for the seventh centenary of the death of the Supreme Poet.

The opening of the structure goes hand in hand with the restoration of the tomb, the future Casa Dante and further interventions. A project resulting from the shrewdness between the Region, Mibact, the other Dante cities and the many national and international cultural institutions. The intent is to promote study, research and dissemination activities.

Dantedì - Statue of Dante alighieri

Sharing and rearrangement of the Museum

The new Dante Museum it was also born thanks to a special agreement. The reorganization and definition of the management model was thus regulated. The building owned by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna Foundation contains the Library and the Dante Center of the Franciscan Friars Minor. With the document stipulated, there will be a complete institutional sharing among the properties of the monumental complex, the Dante Center and the Municipality of Ravenna. In this, the historical management has been overcome to give life to an exhibition based on the plurality and universality of Dante's work and at the same time the profound relationship between the city and its poet.

Dante Museum will open on Sunday 16 May with continuous opening hours from 10 to 17.30. It will be possible to book from 12 May. Opening hours: from 1 April to 31 October Tuesday - Sunday and holidays (closed on Mondays and 25 December) from 10 to 17.30; from 1 November to 31 March Tuesday - Sunday and holidays (closed on Mondays) from 10 to 16.30 (1 January from 13 to 16.30). Ticket: full 3 euro, reduced 2.

The new Dante Museum opens in Ravenna 100 years after its birth last edit: 2021-05-15T09:00:00+02:00 da Claudius Cafarelli
