Bad news coming from the world of schools. In fact, the possibility that the highly anticipated GPS update scheduled for 2024 will be postponed seems increasingly concrete. She declared it Roberta Vannini (Uil Scuola Rua), who responded to a specific question on the topic. A user, during a Orizzonte Scuola Question Time, asked: “Word has spread that the current GPS may be extended for another year. Is there a concrete risk?”.
Vannini's response was as follows: "I believe that it is a more than plausible prospect given the times, given the regulation and given these new qualification methods, especially given the difficulty we find ourselves facing, therefore I believe it is a very concrete". [read the update to this news below].
School, the GPS update could be postponed to 2025
According to the words of Roberta Vannini, therefore, there would be a high probability that the GPS update may be postponed by another year. Teachers waiting to change province, update their scores or, for those who have obtained a specialization qualification such as TFA support, enter the first “combat” bracket, should be patient until 2025. More bad news for teachers teachers which, if it were to find official confirmation in the coming weeks, will be destined to spark much controversy.
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