The update of Gps, highly anticipated by hundreds of thousands of teachers or aspiring teachers in Italy, may be postponed. The news, which arrived in these hours like a bolt from the blue, has created alarmism and a lot of discouragement among the precarious workers.

The update was given for sure until a few weeks ago for spring 2024, but now it seems in doubt (read our article below for further information).

Read the statements on the possible slippage of the GPS

Why postpone the school GPS update?

The Ministry is apparently evaluating the postponement (we use the conditional for fairness towards our readers, but the evaluation is quite concrete in these hours in the upper levels), justifying this choice with the numerous qualifying courses and competitions scheduled very soon.

Therefore, the GPS, i.e. the Provincial Substitute Rankings, would once again be made three-yearly. To understand exactly what will happen to the GPS it is necessary to wait until November 8th, date on which a meeting was set between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the trade unions. On this occasion, this and other issues related to GPS themselves will be addressed. We will certainly know more that day.

School, GPS update postponed? Here are the reasons: scheduled meeting last edit: 2023-11-01T13:12:11+01:00 da Antonio Murone
