The Italian school is increasingly looking for new methodologies. Many new ideas but a single common objective: the student at the center of the teaching action.

What is the debate?

Il debate it is a methodology for acquiring transversal skills (called in the field with the English term "life skills"). Thanks to the debate, cooperative learning can be promoted.

A methodology therefore that allows you to improve interaction skills, but also to get involved and accept visions different from your own, with education. So, "I don't agree with what you say but I will fight to the death so that you can continue to say it“, as he stated Voltaire. Normally in the debate two factions are created, the teacher gives a topic and we discuss that topic together. On one side the "pro" team and on the other the "con" team. The jury? Obviously formed by other students.

Therefore, the debate it is an absolutely democratic teaching methodology that consists of a comparison between two teams of students who support and counter a statement or argument given by the teacher. The debate starts from a topic chosen by the teacher. The formal discussion is dictated by precise rules and times, prepared with documentation exercises and critical elaboration.

The formation of an opinion for the citizens of tomorrow

The debate therefore helps students to search for and select sources with the aim of forming an opinion, developing public speaking and listening skills, self-evaluating and improving their cultural awareness and self-esteem. The debate trains the mind to avoid becoming stuck in personal opinions, develops critical thinking and enriches one's skills set. At the end, the teacher evaluates the performance of the teams in terms of skills achieved.

School, new teaching methodologies: the debate last edit: 2024-03-14T11:53:00+01:00 da Antonio Murone
