Wholemeal friselle

Famous Tiziana

Famous Tiziana
Friselle are a typical recipe of Apulian specialties. They are usually made with durum wheat flour but in this recipe you can find them in the integral version. It is a crunchy Tarallo, baked in the oven, cut in half horizontally and baked again in the oven. They keep for a long time closed in simple plastic bags and are usually slightly wet with cold water before tasting them. I prefer them natural, beautifully crunchy. They are an excellent alternative to bread or an exquisite dinner on summer evenings seasoned with various ingredients, following our tastes. Here you will find a condiment based on cherry tomatoes, broad beans and yellow pepper.

Time of realization: 2 hours and 30 minutes + rest times
Degree of difficulty (1 to 5): 2

Ingredients for about 24 Friselle:
500 g of wholemeal flour
500 g of spelled flour
500 ml of water
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil
25 g of Compressed Yeast
10 g of salt
1 Teaspoon of Sugar

For the dressing of 4 Friselle:
280 g of Datterini Tomatoes
40 g of Red Onion
80 g of Yellow Pepper
80 g of boiled broad beans and deprived of the peel
Qb of Oregano
Qb of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste

wholemeal friselle
In a container dissolve the yeast in a little warm water and add the sugar, let it rest for 20 minutes.
Mix the flours in a bowl or in the planetary mixer with hook, start kneading by adding the olive oil, the yeast and the remaining water. Work until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough and only at the end add the salt. Transfer the mixture to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rise until doubled (about an hour and a half). After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into equal pieces of 150 g each and make balls that you will let rise for another 15 minutes.
With your hands now form loaves with a length of about 18 cm and let it rest for about an hour. Then close your loaves into a ring. Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, let it rise for another hour and bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for about 10/15 minutes.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool, cut in half horizontally and bake again in the oven at 180 ° C for the first 30 minutes and then lower the temperature to 140 ° C for another 30 minutes.
Prepare the dressing; Wash and clean the vegetables. Cut the pepper, onion and cherry tomatoes into small cubes. Gather in a bowl and add the beans. Season with oil, salt and oregano.
Stir to mix the ingredients and divide the mixture obtained to stuff your friselle.

Wholemeal friselle last edit: 2018-06-11T10:00:58+02:00 da Marco Spetti
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