The beloved Tuscan singer-songwriter and musician Francesco Gabbani, on the occasion of his birthday, gave life to an extraordinary concert event in Carrara, his hometown...
First non-French personality chosen for the Christmas lighting of the Champs Élysees (in 2004), Monica Bellucci lives in Paris. But she couldn't be more Italian. A…
It is 115 years of history for the Torino Football Club, one of the most historic and famous clubs in Italian football. The foundation of the grenade club ...
Happy birthday Pierfrancesco Favino. We could talk about him, through a tour on the web. His age, height and weight, private life. But this actor to ...
Perhaps the image that among the many others made Raffaella Carrà an icon of the Italian show is that of Tuca Tuca in Canzonissima 1971. The great one…
The red color of her dresses is the quintessential symbol of femininity. Bright, dark, carmine or purple red, an unmistakable color for the clothes of ...
Fiorella Mannoia, from Rome, is one of the most talented, loved and representative singers of the Italian music scene. He has a long career full of successes, boasts awards ...