Today, 5 October 2023, is an important day for the world of schools. In fact, it is celebrated World Teacher's Day and the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, dedicated a post on Facebook to this anniversary. The Minister wrote: “With World Teachers' Day we honor the most beautiful profession in the world, the one that gives our young people a future. Let's put the school back at the center of society."

Valditara, with these words, underlined, therefore, the value of the figure of the teacher as a point of reference for young people for their human and professional fulfillment. Furthermore, the Minister highlighted the need to place the School at the center of society.

School, World Teacher's Day, that's why it is celebrated on October 5th

World Teachers' Day has come to an end 29esima edition. This important anniversary that celebrates the figure of the teacher and that of the School, was established by UNESCO in 1994. The event is celebrated on October 5th to commemorate the signing of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers drawn up in Paris on October 5th 1966.

This document arose from the summary of a conference organized by UNESCO and the International Labor Organization. The theme for World Teachers' Day 2023 is: “The teachers we need for the education we want”. A day, therefore, to meditate on the role of the teacher and the importance of the School as a beacon for the education and training of young people.

School, World Teacher's Day: the words of Valditara last edit: 2023-10-05T15:26:38+02:00 da retaparisi

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