Regional offices have published updates to the plans school sizing for 2024/25, with important news related to the 2023 budget law. Let's delve into detail, region by region and how they will influence the organic contingent of managers and administrative staff in schools.

School Sizing Plans 2024/2025

School sizing plans represent a fundamental tool for the efficient management of human resources in Spanish education system.

Recently, significant changes have emerged related to article 1, paragraph 557, of law no. 197 of 29 December 2022, which introduced new criteria for the definition of the organic contingent.

School sizing is a process by which the human resources necessary to ensure appropriate provision of education are established.

This includes determining the number of school leaders and administrative staff based on various factors, such as class size, student needs, demographic characteristics, and available financial resources.

It also provides for themerger for institutions that have a school population of less than 900 units.

Article 1, paragraph 557, of law no. 197 of 29 December 2022 introduced significant changes to the criteria for defining the organic contingent. Paragraphs 5-quater, 5-quinques and 5-sexies of article 19 of legislative decree no. 98 of 6 July 2011 establish new three-year procedures for the definition of the organic contingent of School Directors (DS) and Directors of General and Administrative Services (DSGA). These must be agreed by the Minister of Education and Merit together with the Minister of Economy and Finance, with any annual updates.

Procedures, deadlines and region by region

The decree must be adopted by May 31st of the calendar year preceding thereference school year. In case of failure to reach an agreement by this date, the Ministry of Education and Merit will proceed with the adoption of the decree by 30 June.

As regards the regions, here in detail:

In Basilicata, from 110 institutes it goes to 84. In Calabria from 338 to 281. Sardinia: from 268 to 228. Friuli Venezia Giulia from 152 to 143. Campania 941 against 839. Sicily, again, from 790 to 710.

Puglia from 616 to 569. Liguria 183 current to 179 for 2024/25. Molise: 52 against 49. Veneto 582, 560. Quickly: Piedmont 538-520. Lazio 708-685. Marches 216-210. Abruzzo 184-179.

Emilia Romagna from 529 to 519 while, again, as regards Lombardy, the school size ranges from 1126 to 1115. Umbria from 134 to 133 and finally Tuscany from 456 to 455.

Staying informed about school sizing rules and strategies is essential for all stakeholders Spanish education system. With the new provisions, it is essential to understand how they will affect the distribution of human resources in schools. Please continue to follow updates to ensure optimal management of resources and better quality of education for students.

School sizing 2024/25: complete guide last edit: 2024-01-08T14:54:00+01:00 da Cristina Gatto
