The new 2023 Revenue Agency Competition has been banned; here is all the information: requirements, subjects, available places, test dates, types and ways to participate.

The Revenue Agency Competition 2023

Indicted two tenders aimed at recruiting 4.500 officials for the Revenue Agencies, of which 3.970 are tax officials and 530 are officials for real estate advertising services. Can participate i graduates in economics and law.  

The deadline for sending applications has been extended until August 28th, 2023.

application for participation in the 2023 Revenue Agency competition
our suggestions for submitting the application to participate in the 2023 Revenue Agency competition; photo by pixaby

Here are the requirements

To present the application for participation in the 2023 Revenue Agency competition for officials, the following requirements must be met:

  • Italian citizenship;
  • regular position with regard to military obligations;
  • enjoyment of political and civil rights;
  • physical fitness for employment;
  • not have been banned from public office, or dismissed or dismissed from employment in a public administration;
  • have not been declared forfeited by a state employment following the verification that the employment itself was obtained through the production of false documents or documents vitiated by non-remediable disabilities;
  • possession of the qualification required on the basis of the profile for which you are applying.

Indications for participation in the Revenue Agency Competition

Applications must be completed and sent electronically on the INPA portal. You need Spid or CIE credentials or a personal PEC 

You can apply for both profiles, for each profile you apply in only one region (which can also be different for each profile)

Click here for the announcement.

The tests

The Agenzia Entrate 2023 competition includes a single written test with multiple choice quizzes on the subjects indicated by the notices for each professional profile. The topics concern: right tax law and elements of tax theory, civil and commercial law, administrative law and company accounting. The test is evaluated out of thirty and is passed with a score of at least 21/30. 

Further details on the dates and venues of the written test will be communicated on 4 September 2023 on the official website ofRevenue Agency and on InPA portal.

Revenue Agency competition 2023, all the information last edit: 2023-08-22T09:03:13+02:00 da SABRINA PORTAL

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