Polenta with stew is a second dish typical of the mountain regions; in fact, born in the Italian Alpine regions, it has spread not only throughout the north as a typical dish, but also in the other regions of Italy and in Europe with many variations. It is a complete and tasty second course because the taste and the meat sauce embrace and go perfectly with polenta: it is the ideal dish to bring family and friends together.

Time of realization: 3 hours
Degree of difficulty (1 to 5): 2

Ingredients for 3 servings
600 g veal stew on the bone
1 large onion
1 clove of garlic
200 ml full-bodied red wine
extra virgin olive oil to taste
1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 chilli
salt and pepper
1 heaping tablespoon of tomato paste
200 g of pre-cooked polenta flour
water to taste
grated pecorino and parmesan

Procedure for making Polenta with veal stew sauce

First, prepare the meat by removing the fat parts so that it does not curl during cooking and cooks faster.
Cut the meat into small pieces with a cut perpendicular to the fiber of the meat. In a saucepan, pour a drizzle of oil, add the chopped onion very coarsely and cook for a few minutes. Add the meat, chilli and a clove of garlic to flavor everything. Seal the meat well, stirring often. After it has browned on all sides, add salt.
At this point, pour in the wine, mix and let it absorb completely over low heat.
Once the alcohol has completely evaporated, we can add the crushed peeled tomatoes and the tomato paste, adding water to cover everything. Pepper and bring to a boil; then lower the heat to low and cover the pot.
Cook from 1 hour and a half to 2, it depends on the tenderness of the meat. Taste, check for salt and turn off, then let it rest for 15 minutes.

polenta with veal sauce

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For the polenta
In a saucepan add some water (a little more than the recipe on the package requires to make it softer), salt and pour a drop of oil. Once the water boils, add the polenta slowly, stirring to avoid lumps and cook for the minutes shown on the package. Once cooked, proceed to plate. Place the polenta in the cocotte or on the plates and form a basin, inside which we will pour a ladle of sauce and the stew on top of it. Finally sprinkle with grated cheese to taste.
The recipe was made by Ornella Pasquariello.

Polenta with veal stew sauce last edit: 2019-01-09T10:44:12+01:00 da Marco Spetti
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