Zinc: a fundamental trace element for our body

Lo zinc, present in all our fabrics, is a trace element, that is, a essential trace mineral. It is located in thebody in small quantities. However, this should not deceive, because in reality it performs fundamental functions. It even intervenes in the maintenance and replication of genetic material. Already during the fetal life it assumes a leading role in the development of the organism. Not only. It is also linked to the maturation of the ovaries and testicles. And its deficiency in the first years of life can compromise, or in any case slow down, regular sexual development.

Zinc: helps prevent aging

Another of the important functions of the zinc is to ensure the good functionality of the thyme. The organ that constitutes the main natural defense shield of the organism. On top of that, it certainly makes life more enjoyable. It not only stimulates the appetite, but allows you to fully enjoy the flavor of food. In the elderly, however, one shortage even the slightest can increase the risk of infections. Furthermore, it is an essential component of very many enzymes, including those responsible for the destruction of free radicals. Those substances responsible for the aging processes of all ours cells, which convey the main ones degenerative diseases.

Finally, recent research has shown that the nerve fibers of thehippocampus, a brain area connected with memory, are particularly rich in zinc. A correct intake of this mineral is therefore essential to maintain alertness and clarity of thought over the years.

Do you have doubts whether or not you are zinc deficient? You can find out with a test

Our body gets zinc from foods, absorbing it in the upper part of the small intestine. A varied and correct diet is certainly sufficient to supply us with the necessary daily quantities of this mineral. To understand if our body metabolizes it correctly we can undergo a mineralogram, hair test which is used to calculate the amount of zinc and other minerals present in our body. As we age, for example, the body becomes less willing to absorb it. But there are also particular situations, such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of intestinal diseases or too drastic or unbalanced diets, which can cause deficiencies. The signs to watch out for are: an alteration of taste and smell, decreased desire, fragility of the hair and nails, the healing of a very slow wound.

In case of a confirmed deficiency, the doctor will prescribe supplements, in which it zinc it is generally combined with other substances to make it easier to absorb.


Zinc, an essential mineral for our body last edit: 2016-11-30T10:24:27+01:00 da Rossana Nardacci
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Zinc, an essential mineral for our body
Zinc, present in all our tissues, is a trace element, that is, an essential trace mineral. It is found in the body in minimal quantities. However, this should not deceive, because in reality it performs fundamental functions. It even intervenes in the maintenance and replication of genetic material. Already during the fetal life it assumes a leading role in the development of the organism
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