"La lingua Madre - #Italiano Trapassato Futuro", an event held in Venice to which the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. The theater of Palazzo Grassi in the lagoon city hosted the meeting, an afternoon of entertainment and discussion organized by AIIC Italia (International Association of Conference Interpreters in Italy). To offer its collaboration also theCa 'Foscari University Venice - Treviso Campus. The event was organized under theHigh patronage of the President of the Republic, with the patronage of Ministry of Culture and in collaboration with the representation in Italy of the European Commission.

Event on the mother tongue, the message of the head of state

“I express my appreciation for the initiative, a fruitful moment of discussion and reflection on the Italian language in the current global scenario. A context characterized by multiculturalism and the growing development of new means and forms of communication ". So Mattarella who added:
“Proof of this is the presence at the event of testimonies from very different fields, from the academic and research world to that of pop music and cinema, from the institutional world to that of journalism.

mattarella president native language event message
The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella (Photo quirinale.it)

Without forgetting the communication of bloggers and youtubers. From whatever perspective you look at it, speaking of the Italian language means speaking of our identity. It is no coincidence that we define it as the mother tongue, the mother tongue, because it constitutes a factor of cohesion for an entire people. It is also so for the very large community of our compatriots abroad, as well as a formidable tool for spreading our culture ".

Italian, living language

“Italian is a living language, it has a glorious past but also a secure future - underlined the president - capable as it is of adapting to the historical moment. And also to fully express the feelings of men, yesterday and today ".

At Palazzo Grassi in Venice to speak your mother tongue

The Venetian event can be defined as a pop festival to regain the fullness and beauty of the Italian language. “Not an exercise of conservation or restoration - the organizers pointed out - but an ethical, aesthetic, democratic and economic operation. Because the mother tongue is the element that unifies the community of speakers. The only true document that accompanies all of us everywhere: those who are forced or choose to emigrate, the academic or researcher who follows the best career opportunities. And, again, those who studied abroad, the many who will. Language is a piece of baggage that cannot be left unattended.

native language event

The vital use of language, beyond the cultural datum, is a vector of democracy and social inclusion. It is an essential instrument of public, honest and transparent communication that deserves to be the subject of a dedicated and reasoned policy. The Italian language, like any other mother tongue, is a resource of equal dignity with respect to the artistic, landscape, cultural and gastronomic heritage. For this reason, rediscovering a modern and free love for our language, valuing it as a common good, is a cultural need as much as a national economic interest ".

Mattarella: "Italian, mother tongue, with a glorious past and a sure future" last edit: 2022-02-22T09:00:00+01:00 da Staff
