Luigi Masecchia is a young and interesting author of prominence in art Contemporary that seems to be born and reborn by itself. The eclectic artist was born in Naples in 1975 and in the same city he brilliantly graduated from the Boccioni Art Institute. Undoubtedly there is something incredibly creative in Luigi Masecchia that immediately makes us think of what Andy Warhol sowed. Over the years he has collaborated with prestigious art studios not only in Naples, but traveling has also made his way in the advertising field. The Neapolitan artist Masecchia is the creator and creator of the "Affari Creativi" art studio, a place that churns out post-modern ideas like a candy dispenser. After all, Henri Poincarè used to say: “Creativity is combining existing elements with new connections that are useful”.

Louis Masecchia. rubiko
The art of recycling by Luigi Masecchia. Rubiko: 1732 caps

From Luigi Masecchia to the pop art of the XNUMXs

In Luigi Masecchia, attracted by forms modern art and very advanced, he has traveled a lot and will probably continue to do so, he has grown a lot professionally. Although he is deeply rooted in his hometown, he has absorbed colors, ethnic flows and foreign identities, seeking innovation and personal growth. After a lot of work and study, it was born in 2013 the Tappo'st project, much desired and loved. It was possible to represent all this not only in Naples, but also in Florence, Palermo, Salerno and Barcelona.

Luigi Masecchia. Wave
The art of recycling by Luigi Masecchia. Wave: 2088 caps

The idea, indeed, the creative project was born with a set of “pop” works, considering that Luigi Masecchia was born in the era of the maximum development of pop art. The artist enhances, and exalts the theme of recycling with respect for the environment. Tappo'st is the first exhibition of works of art made entirely with the exclusive use of metal caps.

Waste recycling and more

All used caps were blasted from bottles from bars, and various Neapolitan clubs, which have contributed to the realization of great works. However today Masecchia makes use, as an established artist, of the help of foreign locals. It is fantastic to think that not even a cap has been bought, and each of them comes from cities like London, Berlin and Paris. At least 900.000 caps arrived in Naples with expeditions, or simply brought back from trips made by friends and acquaintances. Of the nearly million caps, about 85.000 have already become "works of art", transformed into installations still on display in Naples in the Palazzo Serra del Cassano.

Luigi Masecchia. Exploded
The art of recycling by Luigi Masecchia. Exploded view: 1746 caps

Luigi Masecchia has shown that it is possible to respect the environment, reduce pollution and make art. Tappo'st was the pick to innovate art, recycling everyday objects, which few would think of recycling, creating such beautiful things.

From Andy Wharol to Luigi Masecchia

Luigi Masecchia starts with caps, but arrives at paintings, installations, “performances”, sculptures, using up-cycling, still inventing pop art. In Naples, a city that has had difficulty with garbage, it has been shown that waste can become art. The creative project, however, also includes furnishing components such as tables or chairs which are in fact unique pieces made exclusively on request. Da Andy Warhol with Campbell's soups that made stories, in Naples with reviews, vernissages and exhibitions, which allow the spread of the mole pop-art. We consider that it is not negligible that at the same time visitors are made aware of the issue of waste recycling. But the Tappo'st project is much more, in fact, for the staging of the works, Luigi Masecchia is helped by young people belonging to disadvantaged categories.

Luigi Masecchia. Campbell's
The art of recycling by Luigi Masecchia. Campbell's: 3152 caps

It is fantastic that children with disabilities work on these caps and who live in situations of social criticality, who grow up in art earning something.

Luigi Masecchia, from Andy Wharol's pop art to Italian neo pop art last edit: 2018-09-14T09:00:29+02:00 da simona help
