The network of it strengthens even more. He leaves today itChile, a new blog that will tell about the community of Italians in Chile. continues in its mission, that of telling the beauties of Italy and of the compatriots who give prestige to our country. We also want to talk to you about those who live abroad and their descendants who maintain a strong bond with Italy and contribute to making our language, culture and traditions known around the world.

itChile, the new presidium of in Latin America

The community of Italians living in Latin america it is very strong. There are many who have left Italy in search of fortune across the ocean. Many have returned but many have remained in those countries, building important jobs and starting a family.

Santiago de Chile

People who keep the memory of Italy alive in their hearts, cultivate relationships and pass on typically Italian traditions. gives a voice to this Italy, nurturing the spirit of solidarity among the network of Italians around the world.

Blog to tell about Italy and the Italians

I blogger of that tell of Latin America are numerous. With Chile the blogs rise to thirteen. The coordinator is the young woman Amira Judge descendant from a Calabrian family. itChile will be the new blog that will tell about how the Italian community lives in this important South American country. According to the data of the latest census (2012), there were over 52 Italian citizens residing in Chile, today certainly many more. The number rises further if we consider the Italian-born, or the Chileans of Italian origin. Referring to the latest official sources, it is believed that about 150 of the 17 million residents in Chile are of Italian origin. According to other estimates, up to 800 Chileans with Italian relatives would reach up to XNUMX.

itChile, here is the team

Mirtha Alexandra Aldunce Zamorano she is the coordinator of itChile. The young woman is also on her team Valentina Brignole Di Monte. Many bloggers will write to tell about the life of Italians in Chile.

Mirtha Alexandra Aldunce Zamorano and Valentina Brignole Di Monte of itChile

People that Mirtha managed to involve in the project thanks to a wonderful support operation that came from Marco Maria Scotti, director of “Radio why". The radio station is part of the Comites Chile, chaired by Claudio Curelli, who allowed Mirtha to immediately connect with organizations close to the Italians. Important support also came from the Ligurian association of Chile and from the council of the Italian community of the Valparaìso region which allowed it to spread the announcement of the imminent arrival of itChile on its social channels. Finally, the publication of an article that spoke of in the fortnightly of the Italian community in Chile gave another important help.

itChile and the link with Veneto

ItChile coordinator Mirtha says that her maternal family lived in a small town in Cismon Del Grappa, in Veneto, called Primolano. "When I visited my family's place of origin, I felt a strong emotion, they were introducing me to the places of their birth and childhood".

The center of Santiago

“For my family - comments Mirtha - being an immigrant was not easy. They traveled to a new, unknown and distant country. I am very proud to be a descendant of Italian immigrants. This is one of the great reasons why I feel close to ”. The young coordinator says she is happy to be part of the great project. Here he will be able to write about Italian culture and how he continues to live in Chile. Mirtha is keen to underline that he has found great availability and kindness on the part of the Italians who live in Chile: “They opened their doors to me without hesitation”. Come on Mirtha, now we're off.

ItChile is coming, the network is growing in South America last edit: 2020-12-21T15:38:19+01:00 da Staff
