Inside there is what is considered the largest necropolis of Magna Graecia. Recent excavations, in fact, have brought to light important finds and over ten thousand tombs. But the archaeological area of ​​Himera is waiting to be discovered. And the recent reopening after the health emergency phase and the conclusion of a last excavation campaign has allowed us to know something more about this splendid Sicilian site.

Himera temple
Temple of Victory Himera Salvatore Ficarra86 - Own work CC BY-SA 4.0

Ancient Himera, a bit of history

Founded by Greek colonists of Chalcidian and Doric origin from Zankle in 648 BC, the Greek polis of Himera is located not far from Termini Imerese, in the Palermo area. It has a strategic position, between the Imera river and the Buonfornello plain, so much so that it is an important connection route to central Sicily. But his was a short but important life. It was inhabited by illustrious citizens, but despite prosperity and peace, it was soon attacked by the Carthaginians in 480 BC its destruction was by Hannibal around 408 BC

Recent excavations that make ancient Himera re-emerge

Searches on this site have never ended. And in fact, as mentioned, it is considered the largest necropolis of Magna Graecia. Recently unearthed remains of a hundred soldiers buried in mass graves. But also funerary furnishings, oil lamps, craters and ceramics. In recent months, however, the tenth excavation campaign has made it possible to find a new building and a large room of about 20 square meters closely linked to the function of the sanctuary. The University of Bern, supervised by the Park, carried out investigations and excavations on an area of ​​120 square meters of the sacred area of ​​the Tamburino plain. archaeological of Himera, Solunto and Monte Jato. Among the remains, in a compartment, you will find pots, stoves, plates, bell ovens for cooking and preparing food.

excavations in ancient Himera
Recent excavations. Image taken from the page FAcebook Archaeological Park of Himera, Solunto and Monte Iato - Sicilian Region

What can you visit

As shown by the many photos from the top of the Himera site, the urban layout of the ancient city was very particular. There were orthogonal streets that divided the blocks. The sanctuaries: in the northern part of the upper town the Temenos of Athena; to the south the town of the Archaic age, with a system dating back to the second half of the XNUMXth century BC. Plant divided into platèiai and stenopoi.

In the lower town, the sacred area has a large sanctuary with the Temple of Victory. There was a wall around the city and the various necropolises. For the construction of the temple and the sanctuary, part of the artisan quarter of the lower city was demolished. Today a small fortification area in the north-west corner of the urban layout can also be visited in this area.

The temple of Victory Clemensfranz - Own work Sizilien, Himera der Viktoriatempel vom Antiquarium aus CC BY 2.5

The Antiquarium and the museum

The Antiquarium is one of the most important places. It houses the ancient finds and can be visited. Inaugurated in 1984, it is spread over several levels. Also recently opened on Pirro Marconi Museum, with the history of the Imerese colony and of artisanal production and trade. It is not only a place of history, but also an area for educational activities. It is also possible to know the details of the excavation campaigns of the Temple of Victory and of the life of the colony. But also its evolutions in the medieval and modern age.

Cover image taken from the Facebook page of the Archaeological Park of Himera, Solunto and Monte Iato - Sicilian Region

Hidden Sicily, discovering ancient Himera last edit: 2021-10-12T09:00:00+02:00 da Federica Puglisi
