On December 11, Gianni Morandi turns 77. A milestone reached to the sound of notes, with the same spirit of when - just over 50 - he achieved fame with his “Andavo a cent'allora”. Since then millions of records have passed (over XNUMX), roles in the cinema and on TV, two editions as host in Sanremo, the honorary presidency of Bologna Calcio and hundreds of viral posts.

Gianni Morandi - Gianni Morandi will participate in the Sanremo 2022 Festival
Gianni Morandi will participate in the Sanremo 2022 Festival - Photo taken from Gianni Morandi's Instagram page

Gianni Morandi, an extraordinary career

Backbone of the Italian light musicGianni Morandi will participate in the Sanremo 2022 Festival. "I am very happy to be back in the race at the Sanremo Festival. I will sing a song written for the occasion by Lorenzo Jovanotti. His enthusiasm, his generosity, his cheerfulness and his friendship, have infected me and convinced me to propose my participation." he has declared. He who led the Festival in 2011 and 2012. Born into a humble Bolognese family, he made his debut in music with the hit "I was going to centalora"Followed after a few months by"Have your mom send you to get the milk". In 1964 Il Cantagiro wins with “In knee da te”, with “Se non avessi più te” dominates the rankings. And its success is so wide that it inspires the so-called "little musicians“, Films inspired by his best known songs. In 1966 he met Laura Efrikian, participated for the first time in Canzonissima and recorded the protest song “C'era a guy like me who loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones". In 1970 he arrived eighth at the Eurovision Song Contest with "Occhi di ragazza".

Gianni Morandi - Gianni Morandi at the 1972 Sanremo Festival
Gianni Morandi at the Sanremo Festival 1972 - Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons (Unkown author - Public Domain)

The nineties are the years of "Banane e raspberry", of bus concerts, of the Rai program "C'era un uomo". Films and broadcasts, new albums and endless solidarity initiatives follow. Up to now, with his surprising musical partnerships (see under "Volare", with Fabio Rovazzi) and with one of the most popular social media accounts in Italy. All this, alongside his beloved Anna Dan, married in second marriage in 2004. With sporting interludes, starting with the ten marathons and the forty-one half marathons.

An artist with a big heart

Before being an artist, Gianni Morandi is a man with a big heart. He founded the Italian national singers, whose games are played for purely charitable purposes. He participated in the recording of the song "Tomorrow 21 / 04.2009”To support the population hit by the L'Aquila earthquake, and at the concert Emilia live for the victims of the earthquake in Emilia. During the pandemic, he recorded the single "Ma il cielo è semper blu (Italian Stars 4 Life)" together with other artists, for raise funds to combat the Coronavirus.

Gianni Morandi - Gianni Morandi at the Verona Arena
Gianni Morandi at the Verona Arena - Photo taken from Gianni Morandi's Instagram page

He has never forgotten where he started from, Gianni Morandi. And he always remains that tall and light-hearted boy who, at 18, sang "Let your mother send you to get the milk". His smile hasn't changed, nor has the light in his eyes changed. And it is perhaps for this reason that everyone loves him.

Featured photo taken from Gianni Morandi's Instagram page

Happy birthday Gianni Morandi, eternal boy of Italian music last edit: 2021-12-11T09:00:00+01:00 da Laura Alberti
