Italy is preparing to remember the 700 years after the death of Dante Alighieri, the father of the Italian language. The 25 March in fact, the On Tuesday, Or the National day dedicated to Dante Alighieri, first established in 2020. This date was chosen because, according to some Dante scholars, on this very day Supreme Poet si he found through a dark forest that the straight path was lost. For this 700th anniversary there are many events planned throughout Italy. First of all the one that will see one of the great lovers of Dante Alighieri as protagonist, that is Roberto Benigni. The actor and director will in fact recite some verses of Dante at Stables of the Quirinale, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The show will be broadcast live on RAI 1. Also in the cities of Florence, Ravenna e Verona a series of events dedicated to the Florentine poet will take place throughout the course of 2021.

Dante Alighieri - card on Tuesday 2021
Photo: © Ministry of Culture.

Other events scheduled for Monday 2021

Among other events for the celebrations of Monday, there will be conferences in streaming "Dante in the world - relay of reading and commentary on the Divine Comedy"With 12 Italian cultural institutes abroad of the broadcasted on RAI e Corriere della Sera, which will take place at Center for Book and Reading of Rome by 21 al 25 March. Pavia the exhibition "Dante's journey. Memories and bewilderments"Below University Library (from 25 March al 29st May). A Taranto the cycle of conferences will be organized "The poet and the vaticini: The Supreme Poet and the myth of Anfarao"The National archeologic museum (March 25) ea Rome, Museum of Civilization, the online conference is scheduled "Read Dante at the Museum of Civilization"(March 25).

Finally the 25 March there are a number of Dante's readings online and in person including: "A hellish invective against the corruption of power"(Galleria Spada, Rome), "The earthly simile"(Sant'Angelo castel, Rome), "School assignments and Divine Comedy"(Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum, Rome), "Mastery of classical art and the revelation of Christian salvation"(Pantheon - Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres, Rome), "The apparition of the Beloved"(HC Andersen Museum, Rome) and "The assistance of the gods to reach God"(Etruscan sanctuary of Apollo, Archaeological area of ​​Veio).

Dante Alighieri statue in Florence
Photo: © Pixabay.

700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri: more 100 events, but with the unknown Covid-19

Il On Tuesday however, it is only the tip of the iceberg. The appointments for the seven hundredth anniversary of the Supreme Poet are more than 100 in all Italy. These are promoted by the National Committee for the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, chaired by Charles Ossola. Among the latest events we must also remember "Inferno, the exhibition at the Quirinale Stables”By Jean Clair, Scheduled 5 October 2021 al 9 January 2022. Unfortunately this Monday has come in a tragic period for our country, made above all of orange areas e bitchy. In fact, it is likely that many of these appointments (excluding online) may be skipped due to antiCovid restrictions implemented by the government. March 25 will now be armored, but there are however many other events and exhibitions that we could hope to see live, when this hell will be a bad memory and we could finally go out to see the stars again.

Monday: on March 25, Italy celebrates Dante Alighieri's day last edit: 2021-03-21T09:00:00+01:00 da Antonello Ciccarello

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