Choose to attend university abroad, for one year or for the entire duration of the course, it is a very far-sighted choice. Of course, there are some things to consider. First of all, the economic one. In addition to the tuition costs and university fees, which you would also have in Italy and which can be higher or lower depending on the destination chosen, you will also have to face those to keep yourself abroad.

In this article, I'll explain what elements you need to consider if you decide to graduate outside Italy.

university abroad
Meeting new people, traveling, broadening your horizons, leaving home and getting by on your own: these are just some of the positives of going to university abroad.

Attending university abroad: where to go

If you decide to stay in Europe there are undoubted advantages. First of all the proximity to home, which can be reached by train or plane in a timely manner and at reasonable prices.

Then thecultural affinity. Every country, region and even city has specific idioms, schedules, habits, behaviors, but always within certain limits, which make them look more like local folklore than profound differences.

Finally, the Rights. Membership of the European Union has established the free movement of people, so you will not have visas to ask for or restrictions to submit, and equal rights among citizens. This means that you can attend university abroad with the same rights as local students. Including the same taxes (not higher). Unfortunately, it is not mandatory to guarantee the same opportunities to receive a scholarship or other forms of support (loans for example). However, there are countries that have dedicated funding programs and scholarships for foreign students. Others don't.

If you are feeling adventurous, there are more distant destinations. Some are more traditional, such as the United States, Australia and Canada. Others are emerging, such as China and Japan, highly recommended for learning the language and having a huge competitive advantage over other students.

In fact, in my opinion the investment of attending a university abroad is high enough to guarantee consistent benefits. Therefore, excluding countries whose language you really do not know and which do not offer courses in English, choose based on the excellence of the university and the course of study. There are several rankings to consult, to understand which are the most popular. For instance this one from the Times, which puts Oxford in first place and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in second place.

Attending university abroad: how much the university costs and other expenses

If you choose a university from a country that joins the European Union you will not have to pay more taxes than local students. But you might still find taxes much more expensive than in Italy. The Britain (with an average of 9 pounds per year) is among the most expensive, as is theNetherlands (about 2,5 thousand euros). Italy is, according to the data of National Student Fee and Support System in European Higher Education 2015/2016, the last available, in third place.

In the other countries the figures are on average below 1000 euros / year. In some there are no tuition fees, as in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. There Russia it is very expensive, up to 7 thousand euros equivalent per year. In Switzerland the average is 2 thousand euros per year. In the United States costs soar dramatically, reaching up to 30-40 thousand euros per year or more (for the most prestigious universities). In Australia it reaches 25 thousand Australian dollars a year (18 thousand euros at the current exchange rate). To leave Europe you must also consider the costs and times for visas.

The other expenses you will have to face are: a room to live in, daily shopping, transport and entertainment, just to name the main items. Obviously, books and school supplies also weigh on the budget. Impossible to give an estimate of how much you will need per month, it depends on your destination and your lifestyle. But I advise you to have a clear idea before leaving and to evaluate if it will be necessary to find a job, even part-time, to help you meet the expenses.

Attending University Abroad: Study Plans and Teaching Programs

Obviously they depend on the chosen destination, on the faculty and on the single university. But there are constants in foreign universities, and I am thinking above all of those in English-speaking countries. Here the university is based less on lectures and more on practice: group and individual work, presentations, assignments (essays or term papers) are the norm, and affect the final grade. Sometimes at the end of the year or semester there is a final exam on all topics covered. Usually the attendance at the courses is compulsory and each student is followed by a tutor. In some ways the system is somewhat reminiscent of our high school, with the undoubted advantage of making it pay harder to go off course and waste time, but also faster study rhythms.

Another essential aspect to consider is the recognition of the foreign qualification in Italy. It is not automatic, so it is necessary to inquire first if it is possible, in what times and at what costs to obtain the "certificate of equivalence".

university abroad
More practice, more personal involvement, group work, presentations in which to speak in front of others: these are the foundations of teaching in many foreign universities.

Attending university abroad: the language

La choice of destination also depends on your language skills. The choice will easily fall on a destination where English is spoken (Great Britain, United States, Australia, Ireland, all the Nordic countries where teaching is also in English). Or French or Spanish. There is no point in going to Germany if you don't know a word of German, for example. Unless you want to take some sort of gap year to study it.

That said, I recommend brushing up your language skills before leaving. If you only studied the language in school, arriving in a place where all are native speakers will come as a shock. Or even only where they have comparable skills, as in the case of the countries of Northern Europe. So attend an intensive course, preferably on site, read and watch original films, have a study holiday experience. In short, schedule thesummer before leaving to deepen the language. You will see that you will be greatly advantaged once the courses start.

Also note that it may be mandatory to pass a language test (for English-speaking countries the most requested is the IELTS) before enrolling. And it is not enough to pass it, you must also reach a certain score, which sometimes varies according to the individual university.

Finally, after the years of university abroad, your language proficiency will be very high. Not only an advantage from the point of view of your professional future, but also a great personal wealth.

Attending university abroad: professional opportunities

This is one of the most positive aspects for those who have decided to invest time and money in attending a university abroad. Yours career prospects will be better. A company, a recruiter, an agency of recruitment will better evaluate a candidate who has had an experience abroad. Because he knows a second language very well and has probably already worked to help maintain himself. This choice denotes resourcefulness, determination and tenacity, all qualities that are appreciated in any field of work.

This is true if you decide to return to Italy after graduation. Of course you can also decide, and many times it will be the right choice, of stay in the country where you did your university studies. Or even to change your destination again and go elsewhere. As anyone who has emigrated can confirm to you, the difficult thing is to take the first step, the first experience as an expat. But after a few months, when you have settled in and have found your personal way of facing both the place where you are and the challenges it poses, and the distance from Italy, you will know that you can do it. And it will no longer scare you to think about emigrating again. Indeed, it will probably be a prospect that will thrill you.

So, in addition to professional opportunities, major or minor depending on the professional sphere and other dynamics, which you can find in Italy, there will also be those in the country where you studied. And virtually any other country in the world. By now all universities have career guidance services e placement. In addition, many companies offer programs for the insertion of new graduates, with concrete opportunities for employment and growth. Find out before you finish your studies and you may have a job even before you graduate.

Attending university abroad: 5 things to know last edit: 2017-03-22T07:51:35+01:00 da Julia Gagliardi
