Sicilian cannoli among the best confectionery excellences in the world. To further seal the goodness of this delicacy of Sicilian pastry is the television station CNN which numbers the delicious cannoli among the most famous desserts globally. The 'Food' section of the CNN website has selected 50 of the most famous types of sweets in the world, including our cannoli.
Sicilian cannoli
“Imagine the best dessert on Earth, then ask other people for their favorite – their answer will be different than yours. Tastes are personal, as we well know, and this statement is even more true for desserts. There are desserts that far exceed geographical boundaries, driven by their goodness, and that can really be found at every latitude. The CNN list – explains the author Jen Rose Smith – is the fruit of my nine years in pastry, when I traveled to explore new flavors everywhere”.

Basically a long journey that explores different cultures and traditions. For Italy, ice cream, the tiramisu, a dessert appreciated all over the world, and the Sicilian cannoli. This is the description of the typical sweets of Trinacria: “A very crunchy shell encloses a creamy filling, a Sicilian classic whose roots lie in the culinary history of the island. With origins in the wild celebrations of Carnival in Palermo, the traditional cannoli is filled with ricotta cheese smooth as silk, made with sheep's milk. Savor that rich filling for evidence of the Arab influence that pervades Sicilian cuisine: the candied citrus fruits that often flavor the creamy interior remain beloved throughout the Middle East".
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