He is the writer Mario Desiati with its "Spatriate" (Einaudi editore) the winner of the 76th edition of the Premio Strega 2022. A far-reaching victory that brought Desiati's novel to the highest podium with 166 votes against the 90 votes of the runner-up, Claudio Piersanti, with That damned Vronsky (Rizzoli). In third place Alessandra Carati, And then we'll be safe (Mondadori) with 83 votes. Followed by Veronica Raimo, Nothing true (Einaudi) with 62 votes; Marco Amerighi, Stray (Bollati Boringhieri) with 61 votes. Fabio Bacà, Nova (Adelphi) with 51 votes. Veronica Galletta, Nina on the embankment (minimum fax) with 24 votes. 81,4 (537 votes) per cent of those eligible in a composite jury voted. Four hundred Sunday friends in addition to 220 votes cast by Italian and foreign scholars, translators and intellectuals selected by over 30 Italian cultural institutes abroad. Plus 20 strong readers and 20 collective votes cast by schools, universities and reading groups. Among these, the clubs set up at the Libraries of Rome. 

Mario Desiati, 45, from Puglia Martina Franca, writer, poet, journalist, he was the big favorite. His book is a story of friendship and growth, of a generation "who looked far to find himself". A work that the writer began writing in 2015. Last night, excited by the victory, he reminded Rai News that, when he was offered participation in the Strega last January, it was a surprise, "I was working on a new work". And he added his closeness to Apulian writers, especially contemporary ones. With a dedication to the many figures of Italian publishing who work as "expatriates". 

Mario Desiati and “Spatriati”: an announced victory

The nomination proposal came from the Roman writer Alessandro Piperno who presented him to the Strega Prize. Piperno explains on the Einaudi editions page: "There are few contemporary Italian writers who have been able to impart such implacable coherence to their literary itinerary. From ancient times Desiati has been able to remain faithful to his world with surprising obstinacy. Here, in my opinion, Spatriati is the best book of him. The flower of maturity, the one in which themes, atmospheres and style reach an enchanting harmony ". A presentation and judgment amply confirmed by yesterday's victory.

Mario Desiati Spatriati - witch award poster

Final ceremony and award ceremony at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia

La final ceremony yesterday with the announcement of the winner during an evening in Rome, at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, broadcast live on Rai 3 television, with the management of Geppi Cucciari. Emanuele Trevi, winner of the 2021 Strega Prize, presided over the polling station. The winner will be a guest in various Italian locations that are particularly active in the area in promoting reading. These are the stages: 8th July Lonato del Garda, Ugo da Como Foundation; 12th July Rome, Literature Festival, Palatine Stadium; 22th July Vieste, Festival The book possible; 29th July Marciana Marina (Elba Island); August 7th Lecce, Cloister of the Augustinians; August 13th Cortina, A mountain of books; 25-31 August Benevento City Entertainment.

The LXXVI edition of the Strega Award was promoted by Maria and Goffredo Bellonci Foundation and by Liquore Strega with the contribution of the Rome Chamber of Commerce and in collaboration with BPER Banca, Rai Media Partner, technical sponsor IBS.it.

(photo credits: Strega Prize fb page) 

Mario Desiati with “Spatriati” is the winner of the 2022 Strega Prize last edit: 2022-07-08T11:57:24+02:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
