In a period in which we often risk finding in our tables products that are made with wheat imported from abroad, there are those who think to safeguard the Made in Italy:. And that has long supported this cause: Rummo di Benevento pasta will be produced with wheat exchange market 100% Italian and above all without pesticides. A clear sign of encouragement to spread Italian quality and excellence on our tables. An example to follow.
Pasta Rummo, a quality choice
In recent days, the great company from Campania has signed an agreement with Coldiretti aimed precisely at production of its pasta with the use of Italian wheat. At first the company used Made in Italy raw material for the organic lines. Now the new project to produce all Italian durum wheat pasta. To start this important new project, the company has already received the first supply from the Consortium of Samnite producers, equal to 8 thousand quintals.
"The agreement with Rummo marks an epochal change for the territory and is a positive example for other production sectors too - said Gennarino Masiello, vice president of Coldiretti - Our vision also changes. We are no longer just farmers who produce wheat, but an integral part of the agri-food production process of pasta. Supply chain contracts are the winning weapon of Made in Italy, on which Coldiretti has built the Italian Supply chain project. Agricultural producers and the agri-food industry communicate directly, without intermediaries, achieving objectives that were once unthinkable, which affect the economy and society".
The agreement between Rummo and Coldiretti and the production disciplinary
The agreement with Coldiretti matures after more than a year of experimentation. In fact, they promoted a study on the most suitable seeds to achieve the desired quality. And the analysis made in the Italian Seed Society of Bologna. A production specification has also been established: it is expected that the 100 tons of wheat needed by the company to satisfy its production must come from Italian fields.. Absolutely no pesticides and a protein content of at least 15%. There experimentation is led by the Sannita Agri-food Consortium (Cecas).
The Rummo company has always been a producer of pasta
The company founded in Benevento in 1846. Antonio Rummo, in fact, built the first mill for grinding wheat. From it he produced pasta fresh with durum wheat semolina from nearby Capitanata. And over time it grows up to the creation of a company. In the nineties the mill business was closed. Since then, the company has focused solely on the production of pasta. It currently exports 45 percent of its turnover to 5 countries on 35 continents.
A significant step forward after a difficult period for the company. And this project in some respects is a real restart for the Benevento company. In fact, on 14 October 2015 it was severely hit by the flood that affected the Sannio. There was a lot of damage to the company premises. Damaged machinery and warehouse. The company is undoubtedly an industry excellence. As reported by Il Sole 24Ore in 2009 it ranked third among the 200 companies that grew the most, while in April of this year Food Insider defined "Rummo the premium brand preferred by Italian consumers". Now the turning point with this new and praiseworthy choice, to start again stronger than before.