Lextra virgin olive oil is one of the symbols of our beautiful country. Italy it has an average national production of over 6 million quintals. Two thirds of which are extra virgin and with 37 PDO denominations recognized by the EU. The olive tree is widespread in Italy on about one million hectares in main cultivation. And on a slightly smaller surface in secondary culture. This subsidiary with arable land or with other tree species including grapevine, citrus, almond, etc. Regarding the altimetric areas, 11% of the olive tree is widespread in the mountains, 62% in the hills and 27% in the plains.

This plant needs a mild climate. This is why the cultivation of olive trees in Italy is very widespread. In the central (19%) and southern (79%) regions, while in the north, production is more limited (2%). But it is increasing and is concentrating particularly in some areas with a more temperate microclimate. For example Liguria or the hilly areas around Lake Garda.

There are approximately 170 million plants in production and there are more than 1.000.000 olive farms. Therefore the average cultivated areas are of the order of about one hectare.

Olive oil: Italy is the second largest producer in Europe in the world 

The production ofolive oil, especially the extra virgin olive oil, is aimed at respecting the integrity of the olive. And to its processing in a short time after harvesting. Only in this way is it possible to produce a quality extra virgin olive oil.

The characteristics of the fruit, the correct harvesting procedures, the timing and the milling are decisive for the quality of the product. 
The quality of an olive oil is not only characterized by the low degree of acidity. But they are a whole series of organoleptic characteristics, the result of different production processes.

Oil: a precious food fin from Antiquity

Junius Moderate Columella, one of the great agronomists of the time, read: "olea prima omnium arborum est". That is, among all the trees, the first place belongs toolive.

The olive tree has always represented the symbol of glory, purification, peace, abundance and blessing. In ancient times it donated its branches to crown the victors or the warriors of wars. With the oil, his precious fruit, he consecrated the head of the great personages of the earth and illuminated the votive lamps of all religions.

I Greeks and Romans, they used olive oil, especially for the care of their body. Almost all men and women used it. The oil, spread on the bodies, had a cleansing and protective function. It was also used as an ointment, enriched with various scents made from herbs and flowers. Or as a preparation for  healing ointments, useful for the treatment of wounds, to relieve itching, against skin burns.

It was also used to treat pathologies such as: headache, ear, eye and uterus infections, against intestinal and hepatic disorders.

Olive oil became one of the most important commercial references, capable of making the economy of the time take off, becoming an important driving activity.

Extra virgin olive oil: a unique pleasure in Italy last edit: 2016-11-10T12:19:59+01:00 da Rossana Nardacci
Olio extravergine di oliva: un piacere unico in Italia
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Extra virgin olive oil: a unique pleasure in Italy
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the symbols of our beautiful country. The production of olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is aimed at respecting the integrity of the olive. And to its processing in a short time after harvesting. Only in this way is it possible to produce a quality extra virgin olive oil.
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