On April 1948, XNUMX, the World Health Organization is born. Perhaps never as in the last two years has this United Nations body, specialized in health issues, entered our daily life overwhelmed by the Coronavirus pandemic. In its 74 years of activity the WHO has worked, according to what it reports in its deed of incorporation, for the "Achievement by all populations of the highest possible level of health". A a goal that does not only mean the absence of disease but also physical, mental and social well-being. The organization's commitment is therefore also aimed at tackling the problem of hunger in the world, improving housing and hygiene conditions, ensuring that working conditions are always acceptable. Over the years, the WHO has found itself facing and operating in an increasingly complex and ever-changing system. However present on the most difficult news from a health point of view.

World Health Organization - WHO logo

The war in Ukraine confirms this. After the invasion by Russia, the WHO sent 81 tons of supplies to the region's health facilities. However, a drop in a sea of ​​drama. For Mike Rya, WHO expert and head of the health emergencies program, "Stocking up to hospitals is great. Ma is like putting bandages on fatal wounds ... In Ukraine there are a thousand health facilities of different sizes, polyclinics, hospitals or other entities on the front lines, or within 10 km of them. The health system is being engulfed in this crisis". The dramatic images and news arriving from Ukraine confirm all of this on a daily basis.

April 7 is also World Health Day

If her birthday is today, it's actually there'World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1946 immediately after the birth of theUN. April 7, 1948 is the date on which it actually entered into force. And for this reason, today, April 7, is also World Health Day.

World Health Organization - world health day

THEWHO is a body of direction and coordination in health matters within the United Nations system. It carries out its activities and pursues its objectives thanks to three main organs. The Secretariat, composed of the general manager (currently the Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu) and the technical and administrative staff of the organization. L'World Assembly, which includes the 194 Member States and which is based in Geneva. The Executive Council which has the task of implementing the policies defined by the Assembly. There are also six regional offices in Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia.

World Health Organization - WHO Geneva headquarters
The headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva (Forget / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Among the main results achieved by the World Health Organization, in these 74 years of activity, the eradication of smallpox should be mentioned. It is the first and only infectious disease completely eliminated, thanks to vaccines and monitoring of disease outbreaks. The work of the WHO has contributed to 99% of polio elimination thanks to the vaccine of Albert Sabin. And to drastically reduce important infections such as diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, whooping cough. The most recent interventions by the WHO on the fronts of AIDS, Ebola and malaria are relevant.

WHO at the forefront of health: physical, mental and social

The study and prevention of habits and behaviors that are harmful to health are also the responsibility of the World Health Organization. Which can cause, for example, particular forms of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. An example for all, the anti-smoking policy, approved by the World Health Assembly in 2003 and immediately signed by Italy.

WHO pandemic
(photo credits: Fb World Health Organization)

More than twenty years after its birth, in 1969 the WHO adopted the International Health Regulations, a set of rules and procedures for managing global health. And ensure maximum safety against the international spread of diseases. These rules were extended in 2007 so that their implementation also covers pathologies such as Sars pandemics and new, increasingly numerous, forms of flu.. A front, it is almost useless to mention, which in the last two years has become one of the main emergencies of the World Health Organization.

74 years of the World Health Organization last edit: 2022-04-07T11:33:00+02:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
