Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, the world earth day now in its 52nd edition. As every year, associations and movements committed to safeguarding the planet take the field. About that Legambiente proposes some simple but precise commitments for the future which see both institutions and ordinary citizens as protagonists.

World Earth Day

For the defense of the world's natural heritage, the commitment of the institutions is essential, fundamental. Targeted actions are needed for renewable energy, sustainable mobility and the circular economy. Just as we need an ethical and conscious behavior of the individual citizen who must protect the environment in which he lives on a daily basis. A careful community, therefore, that is the emblem of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. These are the concrete intentions forEarth Day 2022, which this year calls everyone to action with the slogan #investinourplanet.


Earth Day, the origins

The roots of Earth Day go back to October 1969 when John McConnell, peace activist and supporter of a greener world, during the Unesco Conference a San Francisco, proposes to set up a day dedicated to the beauty of the planet. McConnell's proposal gets a lot of support and already the following year is celebrated in San Francisco la first Earth Day, March 21, 1970. One month later, the 22 April 1970, Earth day is constituted (Earth Day), by US Senator Gaylord Nelson. The event, with a purely ecological character, involves exclusively the United States. To make it an international event is Denis Hayes, first coordinator of the Earth Day, who manages to involve more than 180 nations.

earth day men and women

In 1990 arrive first world celebrations of Earth Day. In that year as many as 141 countries chose to celebrate the event and raise world public opinion on the environmental issue. The event mobilizes around 200 million people and marks the beginning of strong and concrete actions for the protection of the planet at a global level. The events of that year give a huge boost to the culture of recycling. They also make a decisive contribution to paving the way for Earth Summit organized by United Nations in Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992. Since then, the international environmental movement has never stopped. Today, more than ever, more ambitious climate policies continue to be called for, as well as greater involvement of the territories. The civic conscience of the world population is appealed to in order to create the conditions for an eco-sustainable system that can guarantee a high quality of life for the future.

World Earth Day, commitments for the future last edit: 2022-04-22T09:00:00+02:00 da Staff
