Violence against women, the Meloni government will refinance the anti-violence centers and shelters. The premier said so Giorgia Meloni adding that the executive “will undertake to implement law 53 of 2022 on the collection of statistical data on violence against women. Law that still needs the implementing decrees and technical activities. A picture as detailed as possible is essential for build effective prevention and contrast policies, solving critical issues, monitoring the phenomenon and also estimating the submerged part of the different types of violence".

On the front line against violence against women

"This Government is and will always be at the forefront to combat violence against women and the terrible plague of feminicide. There is a lot of work to do and we intend to carry it forward at 360 degrees, focusing our commitment on three pillars of action: prevention, protection, certainty of punishment". Thus the president of the Council of Ministers, in a video message sent to the conference 'No more sun - The dramatic current situation of violence against women' held in the Chamber of Deputies.

premier melons
Prime Minister Meloni

"We will facilitate - Meloni said again - the adoption of protocols and best practices in the Courts for aincreasingly effective application of the 'red code' rule. We will work to guarantee the certainty of punishment, to strengthen the protection measures for victims and strengthen the use of electronic bracelets, which are often not applied because they simply do not exist".

Invest in operator training

"We will invest – continued the Prime Minister – on operator training: law enforcement, magistrates, lawyers, doctors, social workers, teachers and health personnel. And on the cooperation between the various professional figures to find the most appropriate solutions to the single concrete case and the most effective interventions to protect any minors involved. We will engage in special awareness and information campaigns to make women aware of the assistance tools they can turn to: from Anti-violence centers and shelters al toll free number 1522".

Violence against women, government initiatives to combat the phenomenon last edit: 2022-11-24T09:00:00+01:00 da Staff
