An exceptional heritage for its historical significance, but also for its particular cultural and tourist attraction. Because this place is unique. North of the Gulf of Naples there is the park of Baia, a sort of "Pompei submerged "as it has been defined over the years. It is a small city, which preserves archaeological remains of great importance in the seabed. The site, in fact, has undergone over the centuries a natural phenomenon called bradyseism, which led to the sinking, about 2 thousand years ago, of what must have been an ancient Roman city. Now placed under the protection of the Ministry of the Environment, the Baia park can be visited. And for the more curious also seen up close, thanks to the underwater excursions that the site offers. There is so much to admire such as mosaics, traces of frescoes, sculptures, road layouts and columns.

The park of Baia, reticulated
One of the submerged areas of the park. Photo of the Facebook page

The transformation of the territory and the park of Baia

The volcanic phenomenon that has transformed the area affects many parts of the coast of the Campi Flegrei. After its discovery, in recent years the site has been placed under adequate attention from the point of view of scientific knowledge. As well as protection and its enhancement. A place to be discovered, therefore, both for the archaeological remains it preserves, and for the environmental, geological and naturalistic ones. Therefore, today, the submerged park of Baia is a protected marine area. THEestablished in 2002 by decree of the ministries of the environment and deHeritage and cultural activities. Particular example, therefore, for its wealth, together with the submerged park of Gaiola, of underwater archaeological and naturalistic protection. Finds submerged about 5 meters below sea level. Which are also preserved thanks to the rich fauna of starfish and other species.

Submerged mosaic of the park of Baia
A mosaic from an ancient villa. Photo of the Facebook page

A little history of the Baia park

The submerged park of Baia, as we know it today, is the result of the transformations that have taken place over time. It is said that around the first century BC the coastal area had an imperial villa, the Pausilypon. In the submerged area there are several environments, which were once inhabited. The Nymphaeum of Punta Epitaffio, triclinium cherisale at the time of Emperor Claudius and then the remains of the commercial ports of Baia (Lacus Baianus) and the Portus Julius. As well as the port of Capo Miseno, the historic seat of the Roman imperial fleet.

A story to be written what these remains tell. An underwater world that after years of its discovery offers magic and mystery. Time seems to have stopped in it and so they can be glimpsed under the sea streets, villas, spas and works of art. Enigmas and mysteries often at the center of studies precisely to reconstruct their history.

Park facilities
Submerged structures of Punta Epitaffio. Ruthven Bay Submerged Archaeological Park - Own work CC0

The itineraries and what you can admire

So if you are wondering how to admire this rich heritage, you should know that excursions are periodically promoted. If you are not a diver but a history lover you can reach the place and discover what remains and is visible in the Baia park. From the construction of the Portus Julius, a large port complex that extends over a submerged surface of about ten hectares. Placed under protection and affected by underwater campaigns, buildings used as warehouses with masonry were found in the port. And again a manor house with a peristyle of brick columns. However, further studies would be needed to know other details.

Dionysus statue at the park
Dionysus, Nymphaeum of Punta Epitaphio. Ruthven Bay Submerged Archaeological Park - Own work CC0

There is also one villa, identified as that of the Pisoni. Dated around the first century. AD the villa develops around a central courtyard with a rectangular plan. Apparently he had fish ponds for fish farming. It's still Villa in Protiro, consisting of two parts, a spa and a residential one, separated by a rectangular basin decorated with statues. In a room in the north-eastern corner of the atrium, a black and white mosaic decorated with a pattern of hexagons is still visible.

Submerged statues
Some statues of the site. Photo Artenauta Facebook page

Guided tours

To discover the submerged bay there are several excursions on the program. You can take a specific boat that organizes the visits. It has a windowed submarine keel that allows passengers to navigate by observing the remains of the submerged site.

Source of photo image in evidence: Facebook page

The park of Baia, the submerged Pompeii off the coast of Naples last edit: 2021-09-01T09:30:00+02:00 da Federica Puglisi
