The first and largest event dedicated to Italian industrial and artistic glass is born on the Milan-Venice axis. It will be called The Italian Glass Week e will be held in Milan from 10 to 18 September and in Venice from 17 to 25 September. Following the red thread of two keywords, culture and technology, the event will be the merger of two already consolidated events - and the most important in Italy - dedicated to glass, the Milanese Vision Milan Glass Week and the Venetian The Venice Glass Week.

In 2022, the International Year of Glass promoted by the United Nations, the two manifestations merge. By making art and technology two deeply linked dimensions. Because one is functional to the development of the other while both maintaining their own uniqueness in dealing with that extraordinary material that is glass.

Italian glass, unique and original

The event was certainly born to enhance Italian glass. But also to give strength to the positioning of the Italian glass supply chain at an international level because, as the promoters of The Italian Glass Week explain, the Italian proposal is unique and original.

milan italian glass week

"Only in Italya - underlines the president of Vitrum Dino Zandonella Necca - glass draws directly on the origins that have created and developed a unique history and culture. Culture and history that have never stopped, in a continuous flow that has brought them to us for centuries of tradition". And Venice and Milan represent two symbolic places of Italian tradition, taste and style in the eyes of the international public.

Technology, design and great artistic glass

Milan it is the capital of technology, design, the world of production, the apex of everything that represents technological development in our country. This is where the manufacturers and suppliers of machines, accessories, equipment and special products that are used in the processing of artistic glass and more are based. And it really is in Milan that the glass industrialists organize VITRUM. For over forty years Vitrum has been the International Exhibition of machinery and technologies for glass processing.

Venice for its part boasts a millenary tradition that uniquely places it in the world at the top for the processing of artistic glass. From generation to generation the art of working glass has been handed down on the island of Murano, making Murano glass a worldwide excellence. In the lagoon, the answer to Vitrum is the festival The Venice Glass Week, a week of widespread events that since 2017 takes place between the historic center, the islands and the mainland of the Municipality of Venice. Primarily involving, needless to say, where the glass is born, the furnaces of Murano.

the italian glass week murano

Two weeks of events in Milan and Venice from 10 to 25 September

This year Vitrum and The Venice Glass Week merge, creating an important strategic synergy between Milan and Venice. "For Murano, which represents the homeland of international artistic glass and which unfortunately is suffering not a little in this economically difficult period - underline the organizers of The Venice Glass Week - it can become a moment of relaunch and great international visibility ".

The detailed previews of this great event of Italian glass are still premature. There will be two weeks of events, exhibitions, workshops, art installations, shows, activities for children and families as well as guided tours, cultural meetings, workshops. Respecting the specific vocation of each of the two cities. Industrial glass and design will be the protagonists of the seven days in Milan which in Venice will become seven days dedicated to great artistic glass.

The Italian Glass Week: the Italian event dedicated to glass last edit: 2022-03-21T09:00:00+01:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
