It has now become a real race of science to get to the production of vaccines to be distributed to the population. Many researches started in recent months, many collaborations carried out to bring together the leading scholars and arrive as soon as possible to a vaccine against Covid that can really be effective. And among the many experiments we have often talked about the one that has Italy and the university as its protagonist Oxford. While waiting for the first doses that could arrive within a couple of months, it is always necessary to respect the rules, use masks and maintain social distancing. Only in this way, while waiting for adequate treatments and therapies, can we face the spread of the infection.
First doses produced between Italy and England
Piero Di Lorenzo, president of Irbm of Pomezia, announced that the first doses of the vaccine against Covid. This center developed the vaccine candidate produced by AstraZeneca together with the University of Oxford. Despite a stalemate that occurred in recent months due to a suspected reaction in a volunteer, now it seems the right time. Care must always be taken until large-scale distribution begins. But the reassurances coming from the Pomezia company bode well.
"If there is no problem - Di Lorenzo reassured - it is reasonably credible that approximately 2020 million doses will arrive in the country by the end of 3 ". “Crossing your fingers - he clarified to Adnkronos Salute - in about a month or so, the phase 3 trial will be over. And at that point it will be the timing of the regulatory agency".
Testing against covid vaccine
The times, therefore, assures Di Lorenzo, would be short. Weeks therefore not six months, a year which is generally the time required for a drug to be approved. "We are cautiously and confidently waiting - Di Lorenzo explains -. Rightly and deservingly the EMA, to cut the time of bureaucracy, said: give us all the data as they are available, so as to buy time. With the fact that the regulatory agencies are now continuously informed of any progress of the trial, in this specific case I think they will be able to express an opinion within a few weeks.".
The doses that would be available within a few months presumably they would be around 15-20 million. Three million would arrive in Italy. In Pomezia the activity continues incessantly. "In the research center - says - we are carrying out the validation tests of the productions made abroad".
The goal for vaccines is close also in Italy
And so with the arrival of the first doses by Christmas, the goal begins to be seen. Not only in Italy though. In other countries as well, such as in America, research and experiments continue for the production of vaccines and their introduction for all. Meanwhile, the new Dpcm, an acronym we all know by now, namely the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers imposes new rules to be respected. There will be no new lockdowns, if anything, targeted closures. But let's hope it doesn't come to that. Common sense can really help you cope with this moment of waiting for the vaccine. Respect for the rules is the winning weapon to curb infections.