In the period before and after Christmas, the problems related to relationships between people and social cohesion are felt more. Especially in a difficult time like the one we are currently experiencing due to the Cronavirus. Since the beginning of the pandemic, theHYPERION Observatory ofUniversity of Padua. He recently found that the goal of reducing the spread of the infection has lost that value of social cohesion which had been quite high for several weeks last spring.

From the data of the Observatory it emerges that, currently, we are not all firmly united against a common enemy. Rather we move in no particular order. Following different streams of the flood of the same river that in this way we find it harder to stem. Because, if it is true that health measures are a priority and fundamental to tackle the Coronavirus, it is also true that, feeling united and with a common goal, psychologically perhaps it would help more to cope with the problem.

Cohesion - Gian Piero Turchi
Gian Piero Turchi

"We started the first surveys with HYPERION - explains Professor Gian Piero Turchi, director of the Observatory of social cohesion in emergency situations of the University of Padua - the second week of March lockdown. In that period, in general terms, the maximum level of social cohesion has been reached. At the time we had passed level 12, on a cohesion scale whose index goes from 0 to 20. It was the moment of the flags displayed on the balconies, of the national anthem sung in chorus from the windows of the house. Striking manifestations, dictated by a common way of feeling that concerned everyone and that we can summarize in three sentences. To cope with the pandemic, you have to stay at home, think about others too, create community ".

Today things have changed, it can be perceived even without being a specialist in the subject. How and why?

“Last spring level 12 of social cohesion remained more or less stable until the end of the lockdown, then in May it began to decline. The descent further increased from June to July. At that stage we had asked for more attention. Unfortunately, the data, in retrospect, confirmed that we were right. The index climbed back to 11 in the fall and has never reached the March 12 level since then. A point of difference seems small but, on a scale of 0 to 20, a point is very significant. At this moment, according to the latest findings, a polarization has occurred in the Venetian community (object of our analysis).

Cohesion - Hyperion bulletin

The 20/25 percent have a clear, clear and cohesive position: we do everything it takes to avoid the third wave. The remaining 70/75 percent have very contrasting positions within it. There are those who say that we can't make it here, those who say that we need stronger and less confused indications, those who think that we cannot just trust the common sense of citizens, ... .. The first percentage is what we could call responsible. The second, on the other hand, the most relevant, is the one that has many tendencies and therefore lowers the degree of social cohesion ".

How does the vaccine, a highly topical topic of debate in recent weeks, fit into this dynamic?

“The vaccine has effectively polarized the debate of recent times and further characterized this diversity of trends. The first group, what we called the perpetrators, said yes, the vaccine is fine, period. The second slice has further fragmented on the fact that the vaccine does not solve everything. With so many different articulations within this axiom that have decreased the index of social cohesion. A position further fueled by the contrast in the debate among experts. Too much internal debate on many aspects related to the Coronavirus it has increased social fragmentation, and therefore decreased social cohesion. There is certainly more fatigue than last spring. We are in a more magmatic period that fails to take a direction and does not solidify into something common to all, this is the problem. Who talks about the school, who about the family, who about social life ... "

What could be the solution to ensure that social cohesion returns to the levels of last spring and therefore represents a strength among people?

“At the institutional level it should be said that the different contents (school, family, social life…) are all at the same level and should not be treated separately. A common message should be given with a specific purpose. For example, let's take one of the most suffering fields, that of catering. It is certainly important to reiterate that you must use the mask, disinfect your hands, avoid gatherings. But not only the message can pass that these measures are used to avoid the spread of the pandemic. Alongside there must also be the message that thanks to these measures the restaurant will remain open. The measures must be channeled towards common and important objectives for all. In this way these objectives can become elements of cohesion".

Cohesion - Hyperion chart

The HYPERION Observatory project analyzes the ways in which the Venetian community interacts in the current health emergency on the basis of texts produced by citizens and institutional roles. The texts are those that appear daily in social networks and those that are published in newspapers and periodicals. Their weekly reading, with a specific calculation tool, gives the degree of social cohesion and its movement in the different periods. At the moment, updated to the week from 13 to 18 December, the degree of social cohesion is 10,79, with a decrease of almost one percentage point compared to the previous survey.. For the first time in five weeks, community cohesion has fallen towards the median value of 10 on the reference scale from 0 to 20. Highlighting two different objectives. Those who only intend to reduce the spread of infections and those who are exclusively concerned with economic recovery.

Social cohesion down compared to the first lockdown, conflicts increase last edit: 2020-12-28T13:00:42+01:00 da Cristina Campolonghi

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