Emanuel Bianco, aka “Shiroi”, is a promising young singer-songwriter from Cosenza. 24 years old, freshly graduated in Psychology, with a long theatrical experience behind him, he is the author of the song "Federica", a manifesto against violence against women, published last February 23rd and available on Spotify and YouTube. The song, with lyrics with a great emotional impact, is the forerunner for seven other songs, which will be released in the coming months.

The message is strong and invites everyone to reflect: Federica, a girl harassed for years by a violent partner, manages, thanks to the love of her mother and the precious support of a confidant friend (the author himself), to free herself from the toxic relationship that had crushed her until she felt wrong and useless. Thus, she manages to find the necessary strength to shout "enough" of her and start living again. The cover is also created by the author.

Federica, cover

The song, which is receiving numerous acclaim, is intended to be a message of hope for all those women who are still victims of violence and abuse by companions incapable of loving them. In view of International Women's Day, we wanted to meet "Shiroi", who tells her story for us in this passionate interview, revealing her sensitive soul, capable of seeing beyond the visible.

Emanuel, tell us about yourself and “Shiroi”…

«Shiroi it's me. I chose this stage name because it means "White, whitewashed", a term which, in addition to coinciding with my surname, represents exactly how I feel: a blank canvas on which many skills and possibilities can be interpreted. Before being an artist and writer I am a theater actor, and even before that a boy who dedicated the last years of his life to being a children's entertainer. The degree in psychology was one of the focal points of my life, which I achieved a few months ago, with great satisfaction. I'm a boy with strengths and weaknesses, like many others. I am quite competitive, even if I try not to prevail, but to face situations in a competitive manner. In this historical moment, I give priority to music, to myself and to my girlfriend, to whom I owe so much. Thanks to her I managed to unlock that part of me that allowed me to write other songs, which will be released in a different time period from the one we are experiencing. I hope that “Shiroi” can represent a new way of listening and receiving certain messages. My philosophy of life is to pay attention to all the micro differences that exist, even in human relationships. The stories you will hear talk about situations I have experienced, which my brain has processed and made audible."

Emanuel at the seaside

How was the song “Federica” born?

«It was created to be a Christmas gift from a person who really lived what is sung. I wrote referring to all the years in which I saw Federica suffer, this girl dear to me, who gave me the opportunity to absorb everything through tears and clear reflections. I immersed myself in her darkness and only in this way was I able to access the tools that touch souls. The moment I realized Federica's communicative and emotional power, I decided that her story had to be told to people, especially in the name of those women who have lived similar experiences."

What does the cover represent, which was also created by you?

«I created it because I believe that no one better than me could have imprinted on paper, using a simple pen, the message I wanted to give: of restlessness, a sense of instability, of great and profound loneliness generated by suffering».

Emanuel, violence

The song is your "manifesto" against violence against women, but it is also a message of hope. What phrase do you think is most effective?

«Absolutely yes, the term “manifesto” is the most correct to indicate the purpose of this text which is a real ascending climax of emotions that are not all positive. The phrase that remains most impressed is: "Now Federica has a weight and it shows it", because it represents the personal crowning achievement of this girl, who has gone through sandstorms and relational storms and now, finally, she knows she can do it and deserves a future that until recently was utopian."

Having studied psychology has provided you with the useful tools to understand Federica's discomfort. What are the signs we need to pay attention to in order to understand a significant psychological disorder like yours?

«It is undeniable that it helped me bypass the usual preconceptions and prejudices of our society. I have undoubtedly learned to grasp more details, and I have been fascinated by how my way of approaching problems of this magnitude has also changed. The signs? Alas they are “subtle”, unless there is obvious physical trauma. It is necessary to observe the behavior with and without the companion of the subject in question. Often you will notice a "shutting down" of the victim's personality, with emotional peaks and troughs. The methods, obviously, change from case to case, but if you don't feel free with your partner, be careful and prevent before treating, because sometimes treatment isn't enough."

What was Federica's reaction when she listened to the song?

«She remained still for a while, impassive. It can't be easy to hear your life sung in your face using such harsh words. The emotional states that followed were fear, anxiety, and finally relaxation. Then I told her my intention to let everyone know her story. We discussed it a bit but, in the end, Federica felt at peace with herself and accepted."

Despite your young age, you have dedicated a lot of time to theatre, your great passion. When did you get into music?

«When I was little I wrote poetry. I participated in national competitions and, in some of these, I ranked first. Starting from the age of 14, and for ten consecutive years, I believed that theater was my path. I have a natural propensity to put myself in another's shoes, so I developed this skill. However, as time passed, character after character, and bringing home some victories even though the region in which I live, Calabria, does not encourage art to emerge, I understood that I need a means to express myself, whether it is theater or anything else doesn't matter. This "other" is the writing of lyrics, and it arrived when the story with my previous girlfriend ended, in 2019. Some songs are dedicated to her that will be released during 2024. From that moment on I have never stopped to write and I will never stop."


What did the theater experience give you and how much did it help you express yourself through writing and vocals?

«Theatre taught me to manage empathy, which today allows me to tell stories. From a technical point of view, certainly thanks to my teachers, I have acquired greater vocal control and, in interpretation, the depth necessary to move me and move me."

The other songs you wrote and recorded, which we will soon have the opportunity to listen to, are also the result of collaborations. Can you tell us about it?

"Exactly. I collaborate with Vladimir Costabile of KAya studios, with whom I created the songs which, as I mentioned, will be released at different times during the year. The goal is to grow “Shiroi” as an artist, to ensure that my music reaches as many people as possible. The next one will be “Banale” which, despite the title, is anything but banal, I assure you».

You are an all-round artist, what is your biggest dream?

«My dream is to see in the eyes of the people who listen to me the emotion for which I wrote. I love being alone in my room typing or shaking the pen on a piece of paper, but I'm sure that the emotional return of those who listen and will listen to my music will be priceless and I can't wait to witness it."

(Photo: Emanuel Bianco; Pixabay)

Interview with “Shiroi”, a young singer-songwriter from Cosenza: «“Federica” is my manifesto against violence against women» last edit: 2024-03-08T06:00:00+01:00 da Antonietta Malito
