The restrictions of the Christmas period were not enough. THE contagions in Italy they have slowly risen, the percentage of positives compared to the swabs also carried out. And, the government was forced to launch new measures. Hence, January 7 will not be the day of renewed and complete freedom. Instead, it will be the beginning of a week of transition, pending the new Dpcm which will arrive on 15st January.
Italy after Epiphany will be (again) in color
No movement between regions, and a sort of test to assess whether the "white zone" can be introduced or not: Italy after theEpiphany will still see the alternation of colors. On 7 and 8 January the rules of the area will apply yellow, the 9 and 10 those of the area Orange. From 11 to 15 it should be zone again yellow, but it is not excluded that the regions with the highest risk change color. The curfew therefore continues between 22.00 pm and 5.00 am, and the ban on leaving one's own region remains confirmed (except for returning to one's residence / home / domicile).
The rules from 7 to 10
On 7 and 8 you will be able to move freely but without crossing national borders, the shops will be open and bars and restaurants will be able to serve at the table until 18.00. On the 9th and 10th the ban on leaving the municipality returns into force. However, there remains the possibility of going once a day to the homes of relatives or friends in a maximum of two people (in addition to children under 14) and also the possibility of moving within 30 kilometers for those who live in municipalities with less than 5.000 inhabitants. Bars and restaurants closed, except for take-away and home delivery.
What will happen after January 11th
On January 8, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità will check the contagion index and establish the new rules. If rt is satisfactory everywhere, all of Italy will turn yellow on 11 January; if some regions show criticalities, they will be passed in an orange or red band. Italy after the Epiphany, in fact, is an Italy with new parameters. The Technical-Scientific Committee validated new criteria on the evening of Monday 4 January. Regions with transmissibility index equal to 1 will orange, with an index equal to 1,25 will bitchy. With the Prime Minister's Decree of January 15, however, one could be established white zone, with the reopening of bars, restaurants, gyms, museums, cinemas and theaters. A sort of return to freedom, therefore, with the obligation of wear the mask always but with free travel and, probably, a curfew that will begin later.
Italy after the Epiphany and the opening after schools
After the holidays, the schools were supposed to reopen on January 7th. In the meeting for the new dpcm, however, the government decided that only elementary and middle school will start again that day. The high school instead they will restart the11st January, with a 50% presence. "In the light of the latest data, caution is necessary and a decrease in admissions is needed, which must be strictly staggered" said Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist of the State University of Milan, interviewed by Radio Crc Targato Italia. The school would in fact facilitate contagions indirectly, as many students travel by public transport to reach it. And Italy still records too many infections and too many deaths to afford it.
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