Guinness record for the world of physics. Two Italian researchers have indeed discovered ben five new particles during an experiment al CERN of Geneva. A historic milestone that will be able to provide many answers to the various questions that science asks itself every day. It is the fact that our compatriots are behind this discovery can only fill us with pride.

The experiment

Between 2011 and 2015 several large experiments were carried out at CERN in Geneva. To be precise, these experiments were conducted inside the accelerator LHC (the same where the Higgs boson).
At the end of the studies, the various data were analyzed, and the results demonstrated a sensational discovery: five new subatomic particles of the family Omega C A historic milestone for the world of physics that had never witnessed a simultaneous discovery of five particles.

But what exactly is it about? The discovered particles are part of the god family baryons, that is, those formed by three quarks. In practice they are kin of the protons and neutrons that make up the atom. These discovered particles, unlike many others, are incredibly stable and long-lived. According to the researchers they will be able to give many answers on the composition of the dark matter which constitutes 94% of the universe. They will also help in the study of the atomic force, the same force that gave birth to the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago. Regarding the sectors closest to us, the discovery lends itself to possible insertions in the world ofinformatics and medicine.

Excellencies of physics: the Italian researchers

The experiment that led to this discovery was conducted thanks to an international collaboration. 769 researchers from all over the world have worked closely with each other, supported by 69 universities and laboratories. Italy played a leading role with 13 universities and many brilliant minds conducting the studies. Among these stand out Marco Parrot e Antimo Palano, the two Italian researchers who made the discovery. It was their analyzes, in fact, that revealed the five new particles to the world of physics.

The two researchers as they illustrate their discovery

Both of Apulian origins, Palano is full professor of Physics at the University of Bari. He is considered by the scientific community to be one of the world's leading experts in his field. Especially with regards to high-energy physics, spectroscopy and the search for new particles. Parrot, on the other hand, is a brain who has returned to base after an experience abroad: he worked in Glasgow at the university of the same name, but when he had the opportunity to return he did not have it repeated twice. It was in fact thanks to the announcement future in research of Puglia region if Pappagallo managed to return to Italy. A three-year scholarship that is allowing the researcher to work close to his family. And the results are certainly not low-level indeed, the experts are convinced that the discovery of the two Apulians could change the history of particle physics.

Physics: two Italian researchers discover five new particles last edit: 2017-03-27T07:07:33+02:00 da Gabriel Roberti

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