The desolation that characterizes the exhibition halls and our museums in this period is sad. Silent, silent but above all empty. Empty not of works but of the public who for almost a year (if we exclude the short summer break that had deluded and gave breath to those who love art) can no longer enter museums. The Coronavirus pandemic has barred the doors of all the most important Italian museums. Yet, tenaciously, museums and cultural institutions have planned and continue to program. Presenting itself to its audience thanks to the virtual world of social media and the web side. Often also with online guided tours that do not compensate for the emptiness of the presence but that in some way maintain contact with people. The Dpcm, for now, keeps museums and exhibitions closed until next January 15th.

The Chagall exhibition in Rovigo was open for just over a month (what a pity!)

What and how many are these dormant exhibitions waiting for the magic wand to awaken them? Here are some of them, in no particular order, considering that in some cases there are exhibitions that were opened before the spring lockdown, then closed, then reopened in the summer and put to sleep again in the fall.

exhibitions - Chagall's painting in Rovigo
The Chagall exhibition in Rovigo

At Palazzo Roverella di Rovigo, if it is not extended last minute, the exhibition Marc Chagall. My Russia also me will love, opened on 19th September, should close in less than two weeks, on 17th January. A real shame for an important exhibition that opened last September and to which the pandemic has allowed only a short breath. Also in Rovigo, Palazzo Roncale, Dante's oak. Visions of Hell. Dorè, Rauschenberg, Brand. Opened almost a year ago, on February 28th, it will also close on January 17th.

To see Van Gogh in Padua there is time until April 11, Covid permitting

Could be a little better for the event show Van Gogh. The colors of life, in Padua, at the San Gaetano Cultural Center, until 11 April. This too had been inaugurated at the end of the summer, opened for a short time and then put to sleep like all the others. At the Palazzo della Podestà in Montevarchi, in the province of Arezzo, lights are off also for the monographic exhibition Ottone Rosai. Masterpieces between the two wars (1918-1939). As scheduled, it should remain open until the end of January. Always subject to extensions, in Cremona, Orazio Gentileschi: The Flight into Egypt and other stories of the childhood of Jesus is, for now, scheduled to be open until January 31st in the Ala Ponzone Art Gallery.

exhibition - painting by Van Gogh in Padua
Van Gogh in Padua

January 31 is also the date scheduled for the closing of The hand that creates. The public gallery by Ugo Zannoni (1836-1919). The exhibition dedicated to Zannoni is in Verona, at the Achille Forti Modern Art Gallery in Palazzo della Ragione. In Turin extended until February 14 (initially scheduled for closure on December 8), at Camera Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, the exhibition Paul Ventura. Carousel. In the meantime, the celebrations for Dante's Seventh Centenary have begun in Ravenna. The intense Ravenna program kicked off with the exhibition Dante in the art of the nineteenth century. An exhibition of the Uffizi in Ravenna. Now it is obviously closed but will remain open until 5 September 2021. (Source Studio Esseci di Padova)

The Etruscans and the Mann in Naples until May 31, will we make it and see her in the presence?

In Milan, at Palazzo Reale, it is open until 5 April Divine and avant-garde, women in Russian art. We therefore have some more time for this chapter entirely dedicated to women told by masterpieces of Russian artists. Banksy A Visual Protest was opened on 8 September in Rome, in the Chiostro del Bramante, until next 11 April. In Naples there is still time to go and see the exhibition Naples Naples of Lava, Porcelain and Music at the Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte. It is open until April 6th. The magic wand of the stop at closing will awaken, again in the Neapolitan capital, The Etruscans and the Mann, at the archaeological museum until 31 May.

exhibition - One of the Etruscan finds exhibited at Mann
One of the Etruscan finds exhibited at Mann

Between a dormant exhibition and another, there is no lack of controversy. Like the one invested in recent days by the mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro and the Civic Museums Foundation of the lagoon city. Regardless of the government decisions that could allow the reopening in mid-January, in Venice it was nevertheless decided to extend the closure of all civic museums until April XNUMXst. There are no tourists, too expensive to keep open. Only the Gallerie dell'Accademia, other important Venetian cultural institutions, will reopen anyway, as soon as the Government decides to do so.

(Photo exhibition sites Marc Chagall. Even my Russia will love me, Van Gogh. The colors of life, The Etruscans and the Mann)

The dormant exhibits cause Covid, waiting for the magic wand last edit: 2021-01-04T19:00:00+01:00 da Cristina Campolonghi

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