It took place the 44th meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. All this took place in China, to be precise in the city of Fuzhou. On this occasion, the new Unesco sites were decreed, officially considered treasures of the world. There was no shortage of updates related to the rich Italian heritage, which it makes our country first in the world in this special ranking. All thanks to 58 sites of global interest.
Unesco, three Italian sites
Italy has conquered the top of the Unesco World Heritage ranking thanks to three additions. The first is Montecatini, inserted between the great spa cities of Europe. It is a thermal path that includes Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, UK and the Czech Republic, in addition to our beautiful country.
Also awarded Padova for the 300th century painting of Padua Urbs Picta, as well as the great frescoed cycles dating back to the fourteenth century, which includes works by Giotto (Cappella degli Scrovegni), Jacopo da Verona, passing through Guariento and Jacopo Avanzi. To the list are added the arcades of Bologna, a true symbol of the city. All this has pushed Italy to reach 58 sites, compared to 55 in China and 48 in Germany and Spain.
New Unesco sites
The site of Arslantepe, in Turkey, is among the new names awarded by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. An area that preserves evidence of its ancient civilizations. They range from brick houses from the early Uruk period, dating back to the fourth millennium BC, to the complex of palaces from the late Chalcolithic period, between the fourth and third millennium BC, passing through the royal tomb complex from the Bronze Age.
A step away from the border with Italy there is Nice, awarded for its evolution. The climatic and landscape conditions of the area have been exploited to the fullest, shaping the urban planning and architectural style, until reaching the status of a cosmopolitan winter resort. The ranking also leads us to India, to discover the ancient city of dholavira, center of the Harappan civilization, which reached its peak between 3000 and 1500 BC and is today one of the best preserved urban settlements of the period in Southeast Asia.
In the northern area of Japan, eyes on gods archaeological sites dating back to the Jomon era, unique example of the development of pre-agricultural and sedentary culture, which took place over 10 thousand years. Of particular interest eight mosques in the Ivory Coast, in the north area. Characterized by an architectural style believed to originate from the fourteenth century. Another award-winning city is that of As-Salt, in Jordan. At the time of the Ottomans it represented a crucial link between the eastern desert and the West.
If you look at ancient human history it is difficult not to set foot in Iran. Here we look at the Hawraman / Uramanat mountainous pass, which testifies to the culture of the Hawrami people, who have inhabited the area since 3000 BC The world now boasts 13 new UNESCO sites, which also concern South America. In Chile, the settlement and mummification of culture have been awarded Chinchorro, with reference to the region of Arica and Parinacota. It is a testimony of the marine hunter-gatherer culture dating back to the period from 5450 BC to 890 BC. In Peru, finally, the solar observatory of Chakillo, prehistoric site dating back to 200 BC
Beautiful place!