The crystal clear waters of the archipelago of Zanzibar, the Kilimanjaro National Park declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. These are just some of the main attractions of Tanzania, the pearl ofAfrica. For some years now, GDP growth has been a constant in the economy. The government is committed to incentivising industrial development by improving infrastructure and facilitating investors.

Marco Conca - coast of zanzibar

From the Expo to the consulate for the "Pearl of Africa"

Since 4 August 2017, the lawyer Marco Conca is the honorary consul of the Republic of Tanzania for Italy, who is also a university professor. Born in Milano of Calabrian parents, Conca lives in Luino (Varese). At the age of 32 he obtained his first university chair at the Free University of Lugano. He is currently a lecturer in Ethics at the European University School for Tourism in Milan.

Marco Conca - expo milan

The consular post came after theExhibition 2015 in Milan, during which Marco Conca was general commissioner for Liberia. “We managed to set up and keep the Liberian pavilion alive without any financial support - recalls the consul - The former mayor of Milan Letizia Moratti together with other people who offered an effective and concrete contribution gave us a great hand. At the Expo, Liberia started as a 'cinderella' and ended the universal exhibition as a true 'princess'. It was a real challenge, won in the best possible way ". A success conquered on the field for which Conca obtained the consular post.

The projects realized

“Among the many tasks that the consulate carries out is that of guaranteeing the security of passports with the original visa - specifies the consul - We also support entrepreneurs. In this first phase of my mandate we managed to bring 30 textile machines to Tanzania to start professional courses for young people. We also sent our technicians to teach the children how to use the machines ".

Marco Conca - textile machinery

The goal is to consolidate the entrepreneurial basis of the productive activity in order to teach a trade to many young Tanzanians. Among the other initiatives already in place, there is also the start of a factory that produces sunflower oil and employs local staff. “In a year and a half of mandate, these are already very important and indicative results. I like to be dynamic - Consul Conca asserts - If I have a commitment, I will complete it ".

Future initiatives

"For the near future we are continuing the path of solidarity initiatives - underlines Marco Conca - There are already several associations available to carry out beneficial events for the population of Tanzania". The consul remarked: “To create work I am trying to support synergies with large tour operators.

Marco Conca - consul and president

I am also organizing a kind of network that can create collection points for the passport, to send it and have the visa within a week. A fast and efficient service to be completed in a few days ". On the generosity of our country, the diplomat has no doubts: "THEItaly has a big heart. There are many associations ready for solidarity, often it is they who contact us. From large organizations to associations, from the metropolis to the small town, there is no shortage of fundraising and charitable initiatives ".

Milan, capital of diplomazia international

"For the first time in history, Milan is the first city in the world for the number of consular offices: we have 123, 4 more than New York - points out the consul - All countries have understood the importance of having a representative office here. Every week there are events of different types and of high level ”.

Marco Conca - milan panorama

Conca is keen to highlight the “great desire for cohesion and collaboration that is experienced within the diplomatic representation. "We meet frequently, there is a great desire to do, to work together - he says - There is a small international community that is highly respected. This is a very important result".

Calabria, memories in the drawer

"My father was originally from Novigrad and my mother from Soverato. In Calabria I have everything, my childhood, my best memories and my dearest affections - reveals the consul son of Calabrians who then emigrated to the North - The Calabrians, in every sector, manage to excel.

Marco Conca - Caminia beach

Catering, design, fashion: Calabrians are everywhere and manage to integrate perfectly in any context. Even when I managed the Liberia pavilion at the Expo, I had great help from a group of Calabrians. I am proud and proud of my homeland ".

Marco Conca consul of Tanzania last edit: 2019-01-21T09:00:03+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino

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