The drama of Lucia Annibali: a heroine and an example for everyone

"I am there”Is the tv movie that will air this evening on RaiUno.  It tells the story of a "non-love", a hideous revenge for the end of a relationship and a rebirth after seeing death up close.

I am there is all of this. A film, directed by Luciano Manuzzi and starring Cristiana Capotondi, retraces the dramatic story of Lucia Annibali, a Pesaro lawyer attacked with acid on the evening of April 16, 2013 by two hit men hired by his ex Luca Varani played by Alessandro Averone.

Lucia Annibali: symbol of violence against women

The day of the ambush, Lucia Annibali, she found herself in the face of death but, with great courage and admiration, she chose life and chose it forever!

A great woman! It is to her that in this week in which the world day against violence against women (25th November), Rai has decided to dedicate I am there, the fiction based on the book of the same name that he wrote together with journalist Giusi Fasano.

Cristiana Capotondi she plays Lucia and urges women to take their men by the hand. Lucia is the heroine of a contemporary war. A woman who challenged pain with irony and self-irony.

We women must be ready to accompany men, the companions of our life, in this process of metabolizing our change, hoping that you find them happy.

This fiction must serve men to understand that the concept of love must be disconnected from that of possession and obsession.

Lucia's rebirth: a boost for many women

Today Lucia lives in Rome and her goal is to transform what terrible has happened to her into something good for the future. The ability to help others. An act of generosity towards anyone who has the misfortune of being in the same situation as him, an invitation to keep humanity despite suffering.



All together in defense of women's rights: Lucia Annibali last edit: 2016-11-22T14:38:25+01:00 da Rossana Nardacci
All together in defense of women's rights
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All together in defense of women's rights
Io ci sono is a film, directed by Luciano Manuzzi and starring Cristiana Capotondi, retraces the dramatic story of Lucia Annibali, a Pesaro lawyer attacked with acid on the evening of April 16, 2013 by two hitmen hired by her ex Luca Varani played by Alessandro Averone.
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