How much have your Italian origins and the culture of your country affected your professional career?
Yes, my Italian origins and the culture of my country have greatly influenced my professional career even if I don't think the Italian language has helped me, as it is not musical. It is a different matter for our melody and writing which have nothing to envy from other cultures.
In your opinion, is Italy still a meritocratic country as far as music is concerned? What could be the side effects of not having quality people in show business?In Italy there is no meritocracy, especially where there is a lot of money it is always the same people who work for knowledge, obviously there are exceptions but they are rare. This behavior is already bearing fruit, radio and TV are losing interest and social networks will soon replace them.
Is Italian music still popular abroad? In your opinion, what peculiarity makes it stand out on the international and global scene?
The older generations like Italian music, the melody is our strong point, the trio "Il Volo" is the worldwide example. For the world we are those.
Do you dream of taking your music abroad? Why?
Yes, I'd like to go and play abroad because my music is much closer to France or Eastern countries than to Italy, like Sergio Cammariere's and Vinicio Capossela's. These are the names I'm referring to, also because having used "real instruments" such as piano, bass, accordion, etc. I can't put myself in line with other types of music, from much younger generations. My audience is different than that of singers who are 20 or 25 today. My music winks at jazz, despite being a songwriter. Now nothing is invented but we do what we like.
You have also performed abroad. Is Italian music still credible outside our country?
If you mean popular music yes, it's still believable. If someone wants to experience abroad, the latter certainly responds better.
What were the main difficulties you had to overcome to become an established artist in Italy?
I have no saints in heaven, what little I managed to do was thanks to my willpower, the ability to reach people's hearts.
In your opinion, do the record market, the needs of producers and those of the mass media risk impoverishing, reducing the artist's talent, expressiveness and spontaneity?
I believe that with social media this has been bypassed. By now there is everything, good or bad and if you like it you listen to it, otherwise not. Some music producers have been the ruin of music, because they did something else and they didn't understand anything about this art; others made their fortune when there was a lot of money in the record industry, today it's unthinkable, impossible.
As an artist, what are your dreams still in the drawer?
I hope to finish the album and get back to playing for the world.
If you could duet with an artist from the past, who would you choose and why? (Italian or foreign)
Choosing Pino Daniele, for his way of writing and arranging songs, was a great musician with a pure soul.
In your opinion, today, are there still Italian authors and/or composers who represent the true "Made in Italy" or are our songs also simply becoming a commercial product for the use and consumption of fashions?
There are good authors who have adapted to the times and fashions, I prefer the traditional ones.
Maestro Jonathan Cilia Faro who nominated her has always supported the importance of meritocracy and philanthropy in the music field. Who is the singer you admire the most at the moment and in what do you think he contributes to bringing prestige to Italy?
The artists I respect are many but they are labeled as "niche", it is not clear why in Italy if you listen to jazz or a genre other than pop, you are considered as such. The same Jonathan he is an artist who brings prestige to our country. Currently the Maneskin are our DOC brand, but I can assure you that there are many good but unknown Italian artists.
Speaking of meritocracy and philanthropy, in your opinion among the promising young artists, which artist do you believe deserves to be able to emerge? For what reason?
Mengoni can have his say in the international field, with the victory in Sanremo, if he plays his cards right, he will be able to do it.
Following your experience, in your opinion, is it easier to collaborate with other Italian artists or is it more stimulating to do it with foreign singers?
It must be said that in the past there was no possibility of having collaborations with other singers because there were record contracts that were armored. So, for example, Pino Daniele could never have played with Vasco Rossi or Antonello Venditti. While now yes, because there are independent contracts or, at least, the songwriters themselves own the masters and therefore can decide to do what they want. So we can say that Italy has released itself somewhat from the old mentality. However, selling albums today is really difficult.
In your opinion, what are the main characteristics that an artist must have in order to establish himself in Italy? Is talent enough?
Talent is not enough, you need to have producers, managers and record companies who are up to it, otherwise you risk having an excellent product that is scarce because it is not promoted properly.
What are your plans for the near future?
I am currently on television. At the end of the season I'll go back to the recording studio to finish the album, whose title I still have to decide and which will include a series of songs each with a month's title. It will also contain the singles already released entitled "October" and "December and Valentina" distributed on all platforms and visible on Youtube.
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