Callipo, five generations of healthy entrepreneurs in the canned food sector. The company, born in Pizzo in the heart of Calabria, boasts 108 years of life and is today a leader in the production and sale of seafood products and other food excellences. In the first half of this year, the entrepreneurial reality led by the Callipo family recorded a 12,5 percent increase in turnover compared to the same period of 2020. A result that confirms the positive trend pursued by the company with its targeted choices, thanks to which it has established itself on the Italian and foreign market. The Calabrian company exports its products to America, Australia, Europe, Canada; it can be said that it is present all over the world, especially where there is a strong presence of emigrants of Italian origin who appreciate preserves made in Italy.

Callipo, excellence in canned food

Giacinto Callipo, exponent of the fifth generation of the family, tells the compelling story of what is currently an industrial group that employs about 400 people. It all started more than a century ago in a warehouse in the Pizzo marina with the processing of tuna. An activity that remains one of the cornerstones of the company even if, over the years, other collateral productions have developed. These include the processing of typical Calabrian preserves, from pickles to fruit jams. Last but not least, another flagship of the company, is the production of ice cream that offers a rich menu of flavors and varieties. From creams to parfaits to finish with fine pastry cakes.

callipo factory

A success with solid foundations

The development strategy carried out by the company has continuously expanded its basket of products, also coining new brands such as "Callipo From Our Land" and "Callipo 1913". A business logic that has also focused on e-commerce, thus enhancing online sales. A choice that proved successful during the terrible moments of the pandemic. Callipo Conserve Alimentari currently has a fish products processing plant in Maierato (Vibo Valentia) and a large warehouse in Gioia Tauro (Reggio Calabria) for the conservation and refrigeration of imported products. Finally in San Pietro Lametino the finished product is stored and then shipped.

callipo factory

An activity that has developed widely over time and has a common thread: quality of raw materials and continuous updating on new technologies. “We have always invested in modern machinery and in people's knowledge - explains Giacinto Callipo - Our production process is closely linked to manpower: we always need to have new ones and constantly train them. This, without forgetting that a company, which it wants to be, must always prefer high quality raw materials. All these factors together concretely express the intrinsic value of the concept of work as we have always understood it ".

Callipo, the courage to stay in Calabria

The Callipo family remained in Calabria and continues to operate in a region that is certainly not easy, with a thousand problems on a social, economic and logistical level. “We stayed because we are fine - reiterates Giacinto Callipo - we are very attached to our territory. Doing business in Calabria is not easy; not even in Italy. But, so far, our entrepreneurial line has paid off, all of which are positive ".

callipo products

When doing business also means promoting sport and social commitment

The company has also turned its attention to sports and social issues. In volleyball, the “Tonno Callipo” team has been an excellence in basketball for many years. As far as social initiatives are concerned, a collaboration has been established with a onlus of Milan, Officine Buone, for cooking challenges in hospital wards. And, again, thanks to the "Second chance" project fielded with the Vibo Valentia prison, during the Christmas period the company hires prisoners for two months, busy assembling the gift boxes. Solidarity, ethics, opportunity to assert oneself in the real context; second chance of life to reintegrate into society with useful work. Values ​​and principles that Callipo Conserve Alimentari carries on also with sports practice and initiatives aimed at the weakest and most fragile social groups. 

product box

Circular economy and sustainability

Circular economy and sustainability are at the heart of the agreement recently signed by the Callipo company with the civil engineering, energy, environment and materials department ofMediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. The aim of the collaboration is to enhance the waste from tuna processing, including sewage sludge. This, in order to transform them into products with high added value of omega-3, bioenergy and organic fertilizers. This extends the useful life of the products and reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The message that we want to promote is clear and strong and that is that a company in step with the times cannot fail to take care of the protection of the environment.. Because doing business is not enough, it is necessary to carry on an ethical company which means contributing to improving the quality of life.

On the cover Giacinto Callipo with his sons Giacinto and Filippo Maria - Photo of the Callipo Company Press Office

Interview with Giacinto Callipo, a family synonymous with Italian excellence last edit: 2021-11-06T09:00:00+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino
