Gold, frankincense and myrrh, the gifts of the Magi to the God-Child. Epiphany, a term which means 'manifestation of divinity' is an event in which Christians celebrate the appearance of Jesus to the world. In fact, on Epiphany day the three Magi arrive at Bethlehem and in a humble hut they discover the God-Child with Mary and Joseph. The number three is naturally symbolic as it indicates the three human races descended from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Cam and Iafet. Whoever wonders if the three wise men of the crib really existed, remembers that the magi were the priests of the Medes, ancestors of the current Kurds. A mountain people who in the XNUMXth century BC were subdued by the Persians. The Greek Herodotus says that they interpreted dreams and studied the stars: they were therefore scientists and astronomers.

The gifts of the Magi

Even the gifts that i wise men lead to the Child Jesus have their own particular meaning. Gold symbolizes the royalty of the newborn child who will become king of the universe, the incense recalls his divinity and the myrrh, which was used for mummification, expresses the sacrifice and humanity of Jesus. 


The incense, powered by Gasparethe youngest of the Magi, is a resin obtained from the bark of plants of the family Burseraceaeoriginating from the Arabian peninsula and northeastern Africa. Also called "olibanum gum", or simply olibanum, incense has been used since ancient times in the context of religious ceremonies and rituals. In particular, incense has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial charge. Its qualities make it very effective for relaxing mind and body, to counteract intestinal and respiratory disorders.


Also myrrh, or myrrh incense, brought as a gift by Belshazzardark-skinned wizard, it is a resin and it too is extracted from the trunk of a Burseracea. The term "myrrh" comes from the Semitic word grumbling which means "bitter". It is originally from Somalia and Ethiopia. Myrrh, the precious substance from amazing scent; since ancient times myrrh has been known and appreciated for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It was mainly used in its liquid state, or in powder form, mixed with oil and balms.


It is still used today in various forms and with innumerable purposes, for its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and soothing virtues. It is used as a remedy for respiratory diseases, but also in case of food poisoning, and like incense it is burned to purify environments and infuse peace and well-being. As far as symbolism is concerned, myrrh indicates the recognition by the Magi of the divine nature of Christ.


Finally the gold, gift of Melchiorre il eldest of the Magi. The precious metal is the symbol of recognition of kingship of Jesus by the three sages who arrived from the East. In fact, gold was the gift reserved for kings and Jesus, for the Magi, was the King of Kings. All great civilizations have used gold to glorify their rulers and gods. According to legends handed down over the centuries Melchior offered the gold in the form of a tomato, which represented the perfection of the world, and of thirty denarii. In Jesus' hands the apple crumbled to dust, symbolizing that the Child had come to bring a new world.


The thirty gold denarii would have been what Abraham used to buy the burial ground for himself and his family. The same offered to Joseph's brothers when they sold him into slavery. And, again, Maria lost the thirty denarii during the flight into Egypt. A sick shepherd found them in the desert, while he was on his way to Jerusalem to be healed by Jesus who, already an adult, preached the good news. The shepherd offered him the gifts and the thirty pieces of silver, and Jesus in turn offered them at the temple. And finally, there were thirty denarii for which Judas betrayed his master.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh: the meaning of the gifts of the Magi last edit: 2023-01-06T09:07:38+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino
