He conquered New York by combining skill and talent in his work with Made in Italy, which is part of many of his projects. From the province of Cosenza in the Big Apple his is one of the most requested names in interior architecture. We are talking about Joseph Sama, forty-year-old architect, who has recently completed the furnishing of a luxury residence inside the skyscraper designed by Renzo Piano the 565 Broome SoHo.

We interviewed him to tell us something about him, his work, and his love for Calabria and Italy. After many trips, between Italy and America, and the meeting with an Italian American who believed in him, he decided to move to the Grane Mela. Giuseppe Samà is undoubtedly one of the many excellences of our country. He opened his own design studio “Giuseppe Samà Architect” and is in great demand. But he has kept the simplicity and humility that are uncommon in those who achieve great results like his.

Joseph Sama
A close-up of the architect who has lived and worked in New York since 2016

Giuseppe Samà, from Calabria to America, tell us about your career path. What difficulties were there and why did you leave Italy?

“Once I finished the Art High School I didn't really know which course of study to undertake at the University - says Giuseppe Samà-. Finally, the day before the deadline for submissions, I decided to opt for architecture in Rome. After I graduated I decided to do a II Level Master in monumental restoration always in Rome. At the same time as the master I began to gain work experience in an architecture studio, so I alternated study and work. After a few years I moved to Calabria and opened my architecture studio. Despite the various difficulties I worked in Italy, but the desire to learn more and more and the ambition were too strong to push me beyond the Italian borders. In Italy, unfortunately, the bureaucracy kills you. Too many cards, too many authorizations, and above all too slow. So, after spending several years between Italy and New York, in 2016 I decided to move ”.

One of the apartments made in the Big Apple
A detail of one of the recent works by the architect

“At the beginning it was really hard, I felt alone and the desire to return to Italy was always there - adds Giuseppe Samà-. Coming from Calabria and being in a large metropolis like New York is not easy at all. I suffered a lot but I held out as only we Italians, especially Calabrians, are used to. The first two and a half years I had a very high and stressful pace, I only got to sleep a few hours a day in order to complete the projects. Now I have significantly lowered the hours of work, from 16-17 hours in the first years I went to 10-11 hours. This is because I had the opportunity to hire 4 people given the amount of work ".

Giuseppe Samà why did you choose New York, what fascinates you about this city?

“After making my first trip to New York in 2006, I fell madly in love with it - reveals the Calabrian architect-. This feeling can only be understood by those who have been there in New York. It cannot be explained in words. Totally different from Italy, New York has an incredible charm. What I like most about this city is that it gives you a unique energy that pushes you more and more to do better to assert yourself. When you walk among the skyscrapers you feel part of a movie. It makes you feel important even if you are not ".

What projects did you carry out in the Big Apple, Giuseppe Samà, and which one are you closest to?

“I have carried out various projects, from residential to retail, passing through restaurants and wellness centers - explains Giuseppe Samà-. The project I am most attached to is one of the latest projects. A luxury residence inside the large skyscraper designed by our amazing Renzo Piano, 565 Broome SoHo ”.

Tell us about your latest job

“My latest work is in progress and it is a residence overlooking Central Park - explains Samà-. I don't want to say much about it because I want the images of the finished project to speak. I can only say that it will be very cool with the use of different materials that combined with each other, the finishes and colors make this residence very particular and elegant at the same time. All obviously with Made in Italy products ".

Giuseppe Samà at work on a construction site
The Calabrian architect on a construction site

And the choice of Made in Italy makes the difference in his work. Always try to use Italian products and to involve companies from his Calabria. As happened in his latest work at the Broome SoHo skyscraper.

Your commitment and help for Italian companies during Covid is significant. Tell us what did you do?

“I define myself as a patient of the Italian product in general - admits Giuseppe Samà-. From design to food to fashion, everything is always Made in Italy for me. In all my projects I always use Italian products. From furnishings, to curtains to lighting, from marble to tiles. We are talking about millions of dollars of orders placed to date. I can't name names but we are talking about the top brands worldwide. I could have contacted the manufacturing companies directly for the orders but I strongly wanted to use Calabrian companies to do everything. In my small way I want to contribute to the growth of the Italian economy but above all that of Calabria ".

What are the differences between Italy and America and what do you find in your work?

“The differences are many - he adds -. There is much less bureaucracy here, the system is totally different. Everything is much easier. There is a lot of meritocracy here and there is no envy. If you are worth it, you are a great resource for the company and they reward you for the results achieved. They don't see you as a possible competitor but as a strength to bet on. You can also be the son of the senator on duty, but if you don't produce for the company they will send you away. From a bureaucratic point of view, everything is much faster. It takes an average of two weeks to have a project approved and obtain the relative permit to build.

A restaurant designed by the architect
Another work completed by the Calabrian architect

Only for skyscrapers it takes a little longer and despite everything we always remain below the Italian average for a project of a simple house. The law on safety in the workplace is very strict and rigid and everyone, absolutely everyone, respects it. Here, customers give you carte blanche. They don't have time to keep up with the project. They just want updates on how the project is progressing and therefore the final result. They trust the architect / designer a lot. Of course America isn't perfect, it also has its many flaws. See the problem of weapons or the problem of racism just to name a few ”.

What do you miss about Italy? And do you often return to your land?

“I carry Italy and especially Calabria in my heart - observes Giuseppe Samà-. I miss Italy so much. From moments spent with family or friends. Here in NY, time never seems to be enough. There is no way that you call a friend to tell him "If you are at home, I will stop for a coffee". Missing my beautiful sea of ​​Calabria with its splendid days, especially in summer. Here the winter temperatures even reach up to 20 ° below zero. As much as NY has educated itself a lot about Italian cuisine, you can find and cook almost everything, I don't think it can ever be at the level of Italian restaurants ".

“As soon as I have the opportunity to do it, I return to Italy, especially in the summer - he explains -. When I don't go too long, I try to get my family here. This year Covid-19 did not give me a way to go ".

What projects for your future?

“We are only at the beginning - he says -. For the future you have to keep working hard, studying, learning and growing more and more while always remaining humble and promoting more and more what Italy does best, its infinite beauty ".

Interview with Giuseppe Samà, Italian excellence in New York architecture last edit: 2020-09-12T15:07:00+02:00 da Federica Puglisi
