In Italy vaccinations continue but also research. Because significant data is already emerging on the development of antibodies in people who have undergone the first dose of the vaccine against covid. This is revealed by a study carried out by the Bambin Gesù pediatric hospital which disclosed some data on the monitoring of people subjected to the vaccine. Here is what emerges from the first data: 99 percent of those vaccinated developed antibodies to the virus.

First dose vaccination
The data emerge from the first vaccinated among health workers

First dose, the results after 21 days

The study was conducted by the team of Occupational Medicine and the complex structure of Microbiology of the Child Jesus. With the support of Clinical Immunology and the coordination of the Management .. Considered the healthcare workers in the facility who received the first dose. There are almost 3 'negative' health workers (that is, never came into contact with the virus. In addition, the second dose was administered to 1.425 workers. "Monitoring 21 days after the first dose - clarifies a note from the Roman hospital - found a positive antibody response in 99% of the vaccinees examined. And with the production of a quantity of specific antibodies (antibody titer) 50 times higher than the negative threshold".

The data on antibodies

But it doesn't stop there. Because by analyzing the people subjected to the second vaccination, it emerged that antibodies were developed by 100 percent of the vaccinated so far evaluated. Also the data reveal that the antibody titer is about a thousand times higher than the negativity threshold, high rate of potential protection.

First dose anticovid vaccine
The distribution of the second dose also continues in Italy

The research also revealed important data on antibody production over time. In fact, 7 days after the administration of the first dose “there was an increase in memory B cells (those that maintain the production of antibodies over time) in 80 percent of cases - says the note -. And a significant increase in memory T cells (which coordinate the entire immune response against the virus) in 64 percent of vaccinated people ”.

The importance of vaccination

What is happening in the hospital would confirm that the first vaccinated would not develop the infection. Even if in others city the opposite occurred. But according to epidemiological data starting from the fourteenth day after the first dose, after the appearance of protective antibodies and immune memory in only seven developed infection with mild symptoms and no need for hospitalization. "These are the first results that confirm in clinical practice the goodness of the vaccination approach in terms of efficacy and protection from SARS-CoV-2 - observes Professor Carlo Federico Perno, head of Microbiology and Diagnostics of Immunology-.

First dose anticovid
The vaccine has been producing many antibodies on whoever has undergone the doses

They also broaden our knowledge, showing the details of the mechanisms of the immune response to the vaccine, and suggest, based on what has been shown so far, that the antibodies produced by vaccination have a rather long-lasting persistence in the organism ”. But the research does not stop. In fact, as the doctor confirms "It will now be necessary to broaden the observations and extend them over time, however what has been observed so far in this survey is quite promising and supports the usefulness of a mass vaccination against Covid-19".

First dose of the vaccine, a study reveals: developed antibodies last edit: 2021-01-29T20:00:00+01:00 da Federica Puglisi
