Easter in Capri, a typically Mediterranean evocative holiday that already has the flavor of summer. The famous island that has always been destination for international tourism has so much to offer to those who choose to spend a few days on the island of Campania, one of the most famous places in the world. Not only naturalistic beauties but also a gastronomy that recalls the smells and flavors of the Mediterranean diet based on excellent local food products.


Anyone wishing to spend Easter in the famous Capri can delight in going to visit Villa San Michele, the house-museum of the writer Axel Munthe. And then again the hermitage of Santa Maria a Cetrella, built on a sheer precipice Marina Piccola. Another stop is a must at the ruins of the Barbarossa Castle which takes its name from the Ottoman pirate who conquered it in 1535. In the evening, moreover, you cannot give up the inevitable walk in via Camerelle where there are shops; and then you cannot fail to take a beautiful promenade along via Tragara to admire the stacks from the lookout.

But that's not all! The caves of the island cannot be overlooked and among these the Blue Cave, a cavern which can only be accessed from the sea and which owes its fame to the play of light created on the water. The best times to visit this wonder of nature are particularly sunny days. We must also take into account the conditions of the sea because when it is rough it makes access to the cave very difficult. The Easter holiday in Capri cannot exclude an excursion to the top of Monte Solaro, the highest peak in the area from where you can admire the whole Gulf of Naples. In good weather you can also see the magnificent Amalfi Coast.

(Photo archive italiani.it)

Easter in Capri, Mediterranean scents and flavors announcing summer last edit: 2023-04-07T15:25:00+02:00 da Staff
